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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Mark

    One for Woa2

    Hi What is the difference between a British Ford V8 and an American Ford V8, is it because one was built here or was there differences between the two. Regards
  2. There are trips arranged by a guy on the island and he quite often does talks about them as well, might be the same one who wrote the article.
  3. This one http://www.doverturret.co.uk/
  4. You aint kissing me :schocked:
  5. You two should talk more :whistle:
  6. I think the idea is a good one and very generous, but what happens if the winner does not turn up the next year. ?
  7. Have a look at this link http://www.ecastles.co.uk/armyforts.html Gives you the history behind them, I went to them forts by yacht when I was a kid, they are blooming big.
  8. THose ones are up north Marty, we have these down of the coast of Kent that were for the defence against german attack in WW2 http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/Forts.jpg[/img]
  9. By the look of the sky I would say Pacific :-D
  10. Ok, the majority of the money is in now, we are just waiting for a couple of payments to be made (those have been notified) :whistle: once these are in I will be ordering the flags and I hope they will not be too long after that point. Thank you all.
  11. Nice but sad pictures, were the vehicles not locked up in any way then, I can understand the tyres but not the fire in the 432, how did they get in ??
  12. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :clap:
  13. Mark

    Myth Busting.....

    You learn something interesting on here everyday
  14. Nice pictures Marty are they yours at all.
  15. Get the kids to cut them out in art class and then spray it on :shake:
  16. Hello mate and welcome, you took your time getting on here I must say, glad you are bringing some sense along as well enjoy (ex Reo owner)
  17. Simon, that would be good for a little write up on "Stencil Making" to post on the forum, if you have time of course. Regards
  18. First of the new year a big happy birthday goes to Mrs Hardyferret and N.O.S. have a great time today.
  19. Hope so you organise it...................................................dont you
  20. Simon have a look at this link here http://www.thcoachwork.dsl.pipex.com/thhist.html History of Harringtons
  21. Mark

    Axle Leak

    Cheers Kewelde/Richard :dunno: I am going to do just that.
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