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Everything posted by Mark

  1. OK another quick question, are Landrovers (being British) UNC, UNF, Whitworth or Metric threads etc, some confusion in the household. Answers on a postcard please.
  2. Christ yes just remembered that, we had to walk past the nudist beach very strange, it was full of men and all company vehicles in the car park................................weird.
  3. See what you mean, are there coal mines in Reading :confused:
  4. Just reading a book and before the tanks go ino battle the drivers starts up the dynamo..........why ? and what for please.
  5. Correct, the "bunker" overlooks the Swale and Faversham I assume to look for the pending invasion or such like. Shellness I believe was the site of the first powered flight in the UK, I stand to be corrected
  6. A little further on Paul, it still has the sign there and I believe a little museumdedicated to the plane
  7. No 'fraid not, has Manston got an Estuary ??
  8. Went for a bit of a walk a couple of months ago and came across this overlooking an estuary in Kent, anyone know where it is, a little clue there was a very famous event there to do with planes
  9. Where and how did that happen Lee :confused::cool2:
  10. There's a bit of history here about it, read on down http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview/id/386308.html
  11. I found it quite comfortable after the 109
  12. Another question my lightweight was built in 1980 and yes I know they were built for a purpose, but are the mechanics of it the same as a series 2 or 3, 88" or 109" etc. etc. any ideas please.
  13. Where did the fascination for Russian trucks come from Rob
  14. Renold Chain is still going used in many machinery albeit being overtaken by cheaper stuff nowadays, I would imagine that the word cramp is being used to describe a piece of kit we use for joining chains, it fits onto the rollers in the middle of the chain and you pull the chain up by winding a bolt or thumbscrew etc until you can get the connecting link in, they come in various sizes.
  15. Thanks for the replies, now where can I pick up the service stuff I will need plugs points etc, are they thin on the ground or is there a place to get these from :???
  16. Just think Jack, when you lose more hair you will have more advertising space on the front for free :cool2:
  17. Try working at Coke, common sense is not a word/saying they believe in, if they find you using it they fly. :argh:
  18. I believe it has only got it home on Wednesday night and its been crap weather since, will have to have look over the weekend. Thanks
  19. All you have to do is change the head board :cool2:
  20. Hi Cat No have not got a hand book would like one though and it is 24v is that good or bad ???
  21. Well I have sold the Jimmy for business reasons and bought myself a little toy to play with as below with what was left, so it is back to a tent for me in the future......................anyone recommend a good dealer :cool2:
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