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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Chin's up lads (Which one you choose at our age) we have survived these before and will do so again, CW has my attitude "finish up here and go touring".
  2. Having been through hard times myself I can understand the feelings here, but if you think positive it can be overcome you just have to extend yourselves, again easy to say (been there, done it) but it can be done.
  3. Cat I have got rid of the Jimmy as 5 to the gallon is not perfect but I would have lived with it and chose the shows carefully ie close to home and within a certain radius of home, BUT I have purchased another vehicle and it is one I have always wanted and will give me (I Hope) more MPG and a certain "freedom" to choose more events/shows to attend, albeit living in a tent and not the truck, but will I still enjoy myself..............yes I will and that is what is important in our hobby.
  4. I first started my own company in 1990 after leaving a secure job and this was in a "recession" I gave it up in 2002 when the jobs became few and far between, but I had 12 good years in what I liked doing, I then took a job that I do not like but it pays the bills and keeps the wife reasonably happy, I will pick and choose the shows I go to but more than that I will SAVE to go to the ones I want to, SPTA, Bunker Bash, War and Peace, Military MAyhem (got to go there) Lingfield, and anymore that I can afford at the time, I know it is easy to say but why let circumstances spoil what you enjoy, it does not have to be that expensive providing you plan for what you want to do and in time.
  5. BUT...........................what if it really did happen, what a hoot :-D
  6. I think (and not ashamed to say) that it is an icon song, liked it when first released and absolutly love this version, says a lot...............................I think.
  7. Wonderful story Richard many thanks for posting, be goodto see the videos at some stage if possible, one quick question, where did all the fuel come from was it carried on a separate truck ???
  8. But surely you take a photocopy of your licence before sending it in. ?
  9. I'm glad I still have the original licence, worth taking care of.
  10. Whats a "T"...............................Diamond or what ?????
  11. I see that 16, yes 16 people (@#*x) have been arrested and bailed for this :argh:
  12. Great photos, is that a Wellington on the trailer (5th piccy down) Thanks a lot
  13. Less vision, but the brakes work :cool2:
  14. That one is riddlestolly's who is a member on here, nice and tidy.
  15. War historically normally stems from religion, nowadays I fear there is more personal gains for countries.
  16. What a lovely piece of history, thank you
  17. Looks like the same trailer been cleaned or painted :-D
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