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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Here you go, http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=57966&cat=8
  2. Excellent, as G506 says thats one thing sorted for Christmas already! :-D
  3. Here you go mate, http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?24931-Horse-drawn-collection-including-WW1-Howitzer-and-Field-Kitchen as Runflat pointed out in this thread if you look at post number 7 on the link then the answer of how much is there.
  4. I was speaking to the son of the owner of Matador reg number RBC 141G which used to belong to Meynell's. We were just wondering if anyone has any information on the vehicle of it's past history. I have had quick scan through the gallery but can't seem to see a picture of it, but maybe you might know where there is one Mike or anyone else.
  5. Yep it is the same one that was at Beaulieu, nice to see it out and about throughout the country.
  6. Got back a couple of hours ago after spending the weekend on site. Good to meet up with some faces off the forum and well done to Paul and his team in pulling together another great show! Only just settling down after packing away the stuff from the weekend etc so will post a few piccies in the coming days when I get five minutes.
  7. Hmmm someone had better tell the guys that run Wartime in the Vale then that it was running, as according to what was announced over the tannoy the Lancaster had engine problems so it was unlikely to make an appearance at the show today - and it didn't.
  8. We went to help Pinder's Circus pull down the other night as they were only up the road in Cheadle. Anyway this season they have got two very nice ex-MOD Daf's on the show. Thought that you might like to see them as they enter their second career in the showland world.
  9. Great videos and thanks for sharing them. Certainly no worries about Health & Safety back then with the amount of people out on the roadways between the vehicles! :-D Talking of the machines in the videos it was good to see some different ones and it does make you wonder what happens to ones that you don't see around anymore.
  10. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Always nice to see different vehicles as hadn't seen some of them before.
  11. Thanks mate! Just a shame I couldn't get a better shot of most of the vehicles. Yes thanks for the heads up! :-D Yep the ropery is a great place as you say, it's amazing that those machines that were being used all those years ago are still in operation today.
  12. Thanks for the extra information. Unfortunately we didn't have chance to visit the RE Museum as we were pushed for time - another one for the future! Hi Tony. Yes that is correct the ticket still last's a year so always good to have in case we around the area again. Yep sure did visit the ropery and we booked onto the guided tour as well which was very good. It was the first time that I had been so was really interesting to see and it's still in use today! Should have added this picture as well of the 1/4 mile long ropery.
  13. Excellent news Paul. Really looking forward to next weekend, let's hope that the weather decide's to play ball as well! Scott
  14. In the end we decided to pay a visit to Chatham Docks on Thursday and stay pretty local to where were staying as the weather didn't look good for the day. Although at first I thought it was pretty pricey when I had a look for information in advance we actually had a pretty good day out with there being plenty to keep you entertained during the day. There were a number of interesting places to visit in the complex and I really enjoyed the tour of the HM Submarine Ocelot (wouldn't have been good to spend 12 weeks in those cramped conditions!). In a way (I don't know why) I was quite shocked to see quite a number of land based military vehicles in one of the sections of the dock. It was good to see these though as I had never seen them before and can add them to my collection of photos, even though they aren't really positioned that well. Has anyone got any information about the Matador? Below are a few pictures of the day out.
  15. Read in our local paper tonight that they still went ahead with the Air Show despite the weather. They had to cancel the BOBMF and Vulcan flights though and visitors were down by about 12,000 according to the organisers!
  16. Thanks for all the information guys on different venues. Will hopefully be able to sort something out for the Thursday with the information that you have provided.
  17. Thanks mate, yes should have said something military related if possible so thanks for the suggestions. Should have added as well that we have been to Leeds Castle before and had a pretty good afternoon out actually.
  18. I'm are off to Rochester on Wednesday for a couple of days and on Thursday I've got a free day so I'm looking to go to a museum somewhere in the area for the day. I've been to Hawkinge and Dover Castle before so they are off the agenda. Has anyone got any suggestions? Cheers.
  19. Nice one thanks for posting the pictures up. Always interesting to see what trucks are about down south with being a bit further north (albeit not as far north as some!)
  20. Quite possibly the best way for them to learn first hand what went on instead of sitting in the classroom all of the time!
  21. No worries Geoff as you say best to put things right . Excellent news reg 2014 looking forward to returning once again. Haha yes there is still time yet to change that.
  22. Hi Geoff, thanks for an answer reg the move (I wasn't trying to stir up any trouble). No harm in moving around as as you say the Normandy campaign wasn't just consigned to the beachheads. Thought you had an excellent set-up when I saw it first hand in 2009 and look forward to seeing it again in the future. Scott
  23. A friend of my dad's sent these to him recently. Apparently they were taken in the mid-1990's while the Southport Airshow was taking place. Are these any of the ones that have already been mentioned on this thread?
  24. Nice photo's and thanks for posting them! Shame about the weather (by the looks of it), also looks like the group have moved further inland from where they were when I saw them in 2009. A chap I spoke to at Overlord mentioned something about having to move from where they were if I remember correctly though.
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