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Everything posted by Starfire

  1. They also filled them with concrete and welded them shut. It was a shame. This one is at the Keswick Barracks in Adelaide. Cheers, Terry
  2. I've just read through this thread and think that the work is fantastic. The only change that I would make (and which you may have an opportunity to do, if you are still working on the engines) is to grind the lettering off of the rocker covers, as they give a decidedly 70's vibe to a 40's engine bay. I am in awe of projects like this and it really makes (what I consider to be) the difficult jobs on the Saracen seem really inconsequential. Cheers, Terry
  3. A good start on a great truck! I look forward to watching your progress. Cheers, Terry
  4. A bad photo of our museum's QL tanker. It will be taking part in the Bay to Birdwood Run this weekend, in Adelaide South Australia, so I'll try to remember to get some better photos and some video. It is missing the large triangular funnels and the pump motor from the back, if anyone has any leads on where I can get some, that'd be great. Cheers, Terry
  5. There is no need to use a lead replacement additive in Rolls-Royce military engines. A fuel stabiliser for infrequently used engines does not hurt. http://www.members.iinet.net.au/~dgrev/dhmg/octane2.html Cheers, Terry
  6. Welcome in! Please post up some photos and details of your toys. Cheers, Terry
  7. You'll also notice that it badly needs its track tension adjusted. Cheers, Terry
  8. I don't know anything about this particular type of unit, but I do know that the MOD made use of portable arc welding setups. There is a writeup about a trailer mounted unit in this thread, but the thread covers the restoration of two trailers, so you'll need to get through a bit before you find the Murex trailer: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?27455-British-WWII-REME-Lightweight-Electrical-Repair-Trailer-Restoration-Project&highlight=murex Cheers, Terry
  9. In that case, just use a needle file. The effort involved in manufacturing tools will be higher than that of doing the work the hard way Cheers, Terry
  10. Good work so far. Looking forward to seeing the finished result.
  11. Thanks! No-one bid on it, I want it! Cheers, Terry
  12. Clive, is there a part number to go along with that diagram? I'm having hell's delight trying to explain to the local parts shops that I need something like a grease gun, but for oil. Cheers, Terry
  13. Looking at his feedback, his stuff seems to sell. If he can get that for a couple of bent sheets of PSP, good luck to him. Cheers, Terry
  14. These were sent to me by someone that was quite excited to see my Saracen at an open day. Apparently he took them in 1966 in Aden. A very interesting vehicle indeed. Cheers, Terry
  15. I don't know where you are, but in Australia, the measurement is the widest part of the vehicle, excluding mirrors. Cheers, Terry
  16. You forgot to factor in how big your grin would be while doing it though Cheers, Terry
  17. Where you're going wrong with this project is that you're not mounting the radial in the Stolly and trying to work out a way to hook it up to the jet drives Looking good though. Cheers, Terry
  18. Oh, another thing worth mentioning is that the fitment in the photo is correct for a Mk 2 or 3, but may not suit a Mk 5 or 6; they tended to move a lot of internal fittings around in those in order to accommodate the other differences in those versions. Cheers, Terry
  19. Not a problem! The inverted oil bottle is also part of the system; it contains water that theoretically wets the chain, providing a better earth connection. If either of you don't want your shockers, I'd be more than willing to take them off of you Cheers, Terry
  20. I think it was the field repair manual. I'd have to dig it up and have a look. Cheers, Terry
  21. Pretty much, but the manual should describe a more detailed process, to be conducted on level ground, that specifies exact tide heights at certain points. I have the process for a Saracen here, but not Saladin. let me know if you get stuck and i'll post it up. Cheers, Terry
  22. I've never understood how people can try to sell relatively high value items in such an ineffective way. The number of things wrong with that ad are almost endless, but I'd start with the fact that you haven't even spelled the name of the vehicle correctly as being a glaring issue, as it will not show up in search results and shows a very sloppy attitude. The single, poor quality picture, and a description that includes almost no details of your vehicle, its condition or its history aren't helping either. Take the time to write a better ad with a more focussed description and you might have some luck. Try putting it on some more suitable sites, such as milweb and use some better photos and you might get a better result. Don't write in all caps. Cheers, Terry
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