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Everything posted by Starfire

  1. Well then, I guess we know who's collection is being sold now. Cheers, Terry
  2. If you want an RL, winchman, get the RL. At the end of the day, it will make you happy. Cheers, Terry
  3. I drive my Saracen on trips of about 50km each way fairly often. Aside from the fairly bad leak in the gearbox, it doesn't seem to have any problems with it but tyre wear is starting to be a concern. Cheers, Terry
  4. The Flying Pig is my favourite! Shipping is always a killer, but you kind of have to get used to that, living in Australia. Cheers, Terry
  5. This is of interest. Maybe the time is right to buy myself a Pig? Cheers, Terry
  6. Very cool. I never knew they went so deep. I guess that's why they keep finding them after all these years. Cheers, Terry
  7. Tracked vehicles are awesome, but they experience very high wear and tear on roads and need massive amounts of maintenance. Unless you have some experience with them, you will be surprised at how little driving you get to do and how much work is needed to keep them operational. Costs are phenomenal. Wheeled armour is slightly better, but still needs a lot of maintenance. For my money, I would (and did!) go for a Saracen. They are reasonably well behaved and are easy enough to drive on the road. Spare parts are both available and affordable and, as a bonus, you can seat 11-12 people in it. Cheers, Terry
  8. I dropped a Saracen wheel on my foot once. It didn't hurt, but it took about 5 minutes to free myself from it, although about half of that was laughing at how ridiculous the situation was. Cheers, Terry
  9. Nic, Have you sorted out the cooling issues with your Saracen? Any updates? Cheers, Terry
  10. The danger of the Ferret/Saracen type split rims is overstated. As long as the tube is fully deflated, they can be disassembled without any trouble and as long as the outer row of nuts are done up properly, there is little to no danger during reinflation, especially if the wheel is mounted on the vehicle at the time. It's not like old school split rims with a locking ring, which can pop off unexpectedly during inflation... A little bit of healthy caution and you'll be fine. Cheers, Terry
  11. Installing Flash Player to watch a video clip is like burning down your house so that you can get free lunch at a soup kitchen. Sure, you can do it, but the negatives outweigh the positives... Cheers, Terry
  12. Excellent work, Richard. I don't think I'll be able to go next year, as it'll be enough of a struggle to get August off of work for the Trackers 2015, but plenty of guys from the club will be going. I'll try and make it to the one after - pretty sure that I owe you a few beers for all your help on here... Cheers, Terry
  13. Welcome. Which part of Australia do you find yourself in these days? Cheers, Terry
  14. We moved it indoors; it had been sitting out by the roller door for several years. Aside from some rust in one of the storage boxes, it came up pretty good after I washed all the spider-webs off of it. Let me know if you want any detail photos or anything. Cheers, Terry
  15. Not a Pheasant, but this picture amused me for some reason... Cheers, Terry
  16. Thanks for the info, Graeme, I don't know much about that particular gun, other than the fact that it was loaned to us by the DSTO and is marked as being put into long term storage in the early 70's. If you want any detail photos or other info, let me know and I'll see what I can dig up. Cheers, Terry
  17. Does that number mean anything? Cheers, Terry
  18. It looks like the original spec was for an SAE 140 and it was changed to an EP90 later on. I'd guess that either would work and you should be fine with whatever you have; changing to the EP90 next time. http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?35250-Bedford-Mw-oil Cheers, Terry
  19. We have both a Ford Number 8 Gun Tractor and a Chev Number 9 Gun Tractor at the museum (the Chev is still being restored, but is almost complete - it can be driven, but has no gauges fitted, etc). If you make it to Adelaide and make a donation towards our operating costs, a drive can probably be arranged, although that would probably have to be confirmed with members of the committee. Cheers, Terry
  20. The gun tractors have much heavier running gear and a 2 speed transfer case too. I drove a C15A for the first time, yesterday. It wasn't too bad Cheers, Terry
  21. [video=youtube_share;H68WZXTJj8g]
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