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Everything posted by Starfire

  1. The Valentine is the one from the Melbourne Tank Museum and is fitted with an AEC diesel. It was used as a tractor and the controls have been moved back to the turret basket area and, I assume, it was used without a turret with the driver looking out over the top of the hull. The turret has some significant damage on it, so it looks like that was from a range target at some stage. It does turn freely on the turret ring (well, there is a bit of metal that causes it to "stick" when going over the engine louvers, but a shove will get it going again. Pics and videos to follow. Cheers, Terry
  2. I'm in two minds about this one, myself. Because you listed cost as an important consideration, I would agree that a Land Rover is a good choice, but if you like something else better, like an RL, then get that instead. Finding money can be a bit of a pain, but if you have your heart set on something and you have to work for it, the enjoyment that it brings can be worth it (spoken by the (now) broke owner an Alvis Saracen ) Cheers, Terry
  3. Bob, please feel free not to answer if you'd prefer not to, or PM me if you'd rather it wasn't public knowledge, but what is the approximate cost of one of these? Cheers, Terry
  4. Excellent info John. With any luck, I'll clamber all over it tomorrow and take about a million photos. I should be seeing the owner on Sunday and will "interview" him about it for our website and will also share the information here. Cheers, Terry
  5. I don't believe your lies The only way a Saracen would not leak oil is if you forgot to fill it up in the first place! Cheers, Terry
  6. I'll see if I can get some history from the owner. Cheers, Terry
  7. You could give it to our museum, here in Adelaide, South Australia Cheers, Terry
  8. Unless track guards are not what I think they are, then they look to be missing.
  9. While I don't know much about Brit rovers, it looks to me like a fairly honest ex-mod job that has been "dressed up" a little by an owner and shouldn't be too hard to set straight. Cheers, Terry
  10. Stunning. Aside from a coat of paint, does it need anything to be operational? Do the radios work, etc? Cheers, Terry
  11. I'd like one too. It's a good looking little tank and it appears to be complete enough to attempt a restoration. Cheers, Terry
  12. As I said, I don't know much about it. I'll be able to have a look over the weekend and get some photos. Hopefully the hatches aren't too hard to open Any idea where I should be looking for build plates and other info? Cheers, Terry
  13. The same member has a complete Centurion too.
  14. This is on the way to our museum at the moment: It belongs to one of our members and I'm afraid I don't know much about it. It should be there tomorrow or the next day. Cheers, Terry
  15. I know that the Saracen was often referred to as a Can or Sarrycan, but it really rubs me up the wrong way when people call my baby that, for some reason. I bloody hate it.
  16. Digging up an old thread About the Saracen: Is it real? Did you make it yourself? Does it float? Does it have a turret? When climbing on top to have his photo taken: MoP: Is there anything I need to be careful of? Me: Yeah, falling off. MoP: I didn't want to break anything Me: It's made of armour mate... Cheers, Terry
  17. The coil: I also couldn't work out why the right side had a 5 barrel smoke projector: Turns out that it is broken and someone has modified the cover to include a well fitted blanking plate. I wonder if that was done while still in MOD service, or after? Cheers, Terry
  18. Would you believe that I forgot to check on the weekend? I'll have a look this weekend. Cheers, Terry
  19. Actually, you may be able to help with a problem our museum has; we're trying to get some wheels made up for our 18lb limber, but don't have an axle or hubs. Photos would be good, spares that you're willing to sell would be better Cheers, Terry
  20. Found a picture of it. This should be the easiest thing I've had to work on on the bloody thing Cheers, Terry
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