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Niels v

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Everything posted by Niels v

  1. Yesterday a new toy arrived, well more correctly a bunch of spares. Its a Chevrolet C60 M-GS (with winch) with a danish fire truck body, it was build for the danish version of AFS, 36 where build around 1952. We have two of them now and are going to restore one from the two, some of there other spares from it will be used for restoring this C15TA. I had to make my bedford ql rearbody fly to make room for it.
  2. If you cant find any, try Ebay, they on there quit often, I bought a NOS set a monthe ago.
  3. Hi Daniel and welcome I am guessing that you where thinking about building the Bronco models Humber Mk4? Cheers
  4. congrats, it looks complet and original... good luck with the restoration.
  5. hi welcome, very impressive work. but with that level of craftmanship why not restor an original
  6. well a huge jigsaw puzzle, with the edge already made..... keep the pics comming
  7. A bit more progess with the Humber. the wings, turret hatches and rear armour is back on, also a lot of the interior has been installed so its starting to get tight inside when we are working on it.
  8. Well almost done with painting the chassis parts, now only the transferbox needs a coat of green and then I can begin putting it back together.
  9. a very nice photo of a liberty truck on ebay, sorry for posting it in this thread :blush: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1918-Print-WWI-Heavy-Duty-American-War-Department-Military-Vehicle-Liberty-Truck-/300620585687?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item45fe621ad7
  10. Yes Qls do not age well out side...... mine is was a good example.... It looks like a good project, for the long winter nights.
  11. well it dosnt look like a complet wreck :-)
  12. in this gallery there are some very nice pioneers http://www.flickr.com/photos/homer----simpson/sets/72157623953358333/detail/?page=3
  13. Yep it has a fram filter now, much easier than the original closed unit. Most of the modifications where made in 61 when they all where rebuild. one thing I would like on it again is the mechanical indicator arm, so if any one has a spare or can take some mesurments and pictures I would be gratefull
  14. This looks like the original jack and lug wrench for a ql http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Shelley-Screw-Jack-/280764420186?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item415edd105a
  15. they have a tendency to tip over very easily....... sadly they are getting scrapped
  16. Yep the last one is a mowag Eagle 1, basicly a armoured hummer....
  17. Here is an update. we are progressing with the Humber, M10 and C15TA. We are needing a wire diagram for the C15ta can any one help? Our M24 project is stalled a bit. The Mowag Eagles are being phased out by the army now, and we have gotton hold of one.
  18. I am hoping to be done to W+P 12, But its going a bit slow at the moment. I got the compressor painted to day, and are almost done with cleaning paint and muck off of the transfer box. I dicided to remove the transfer box from the cross member so that I could get to all the corners of it. Good luck with the other restorations, I find it very easy to work on a Ql, all parts are of a handy size.
  19. That looking good please keep us updated.... if any other what to do the same, here is a starting point http://www.carandclassic.co.uk/car/C192894.......
  20. Rear axel is painted and back on the chassis and the engine has been given the first coat of paint. The colour is not entirely right but it will do... Its Marcus Glenn engine blue,and is very nice to work with.
  21. you can find a lot of War Deparment tools on Ebay sometimes, in the Vintage tools section.
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