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Everything posted by AndyFowler

  1. Glad you are rust fighting fit again mate ! Very amusing and inspiring restoration !
  2. Hi Joris , not had any problems since changing over and very pleased with the Scammell spare parts I've bought with the money saved ! :-D Thanks again everyone for the advice ! :-D
  3. Lovely truck Mike ! Will she keep her civilian paintwork ? Looks very tidy already !
  4. Fantastic , thanks for posting ! Good luck to all her crew and long may she fly !
  5. Thanks for the new information mate , what where the main problems that the Swiss experienced please ? :-D
  6. Nice find Tony ! Think I need to finish Daisy and get Fred a Constructor so he can start his rust collecting !
  7. Explorers are far to sensible to be doing such silly things Tony ! :angel:
  8. Really getting fed up with the lack of a lottery win :-D ! Hope she finds a good home John ! http://www.milweb.net/classifieds/large_image.php?ad=64199&cat=4
  9. My personal favourite Land rover is my old Pajero ! Cheep, very capable for my needs and almost indestructable ! Worked on Landrovers for a few years in my youth and then hired a Pajero on holiday one year , looked underneath and noticed no oil spread all around ! Assumed it had not any left in and was amazed to find it was full ! That I'm afraid stopped me buying a landrover when I was in the market for a 4x4 ! Having said that I do think RangeRovers have the edge on styling and if money was no object I'd give one a try :-D
  10. Thought you chaps would be interested in this old girl !:-( http://www.crouchmilitarysales.co.uk/listing/bedford-ql-tanker/
  11. Lovely period photo with a non-origional counter balance weight :cool2:
  12. Beautifull model ! How long did you take to make it so life like ? :-D
  13. Was gonna post in upside down tank thread but thought this more appropriate :-D Something went wrong...
  14. I honestly can't believe the things people do ! :wow: Something went wrong...
  15. Thought I recognised your lovely lorry when I passed through on the train the other week ! We met at War and Peace , Me and FatGitDave gave you some assistance getting on and off the showground ! Small world ! :-D
  16. Wow , great find ! Did you collect the pieces for a future restoration project ?
  17. Hi Robin , I was surprised to see them ! As I understand it they are still owned by the military and displayed by volunteers ! Unfortunately I only saw them move as they left the arena and they didn't move again that day ! I have a little bit of film here ! Something went wrong...
  18. First glance at this method and I guessed where the trailer was going and how that would end in tears ! :nut: Something went wrong...
  19. Only this one I'm afraid ! Good looking vehicle ! :-D
  20. Hi Richard , weather definitely improved ! :shocked: Something went wrong...
  21. Lovely Mark , can you ever have too many recovery vehicles ? I think not !
  22. Thanks for sharing that Tony , very moving and such a tragedy that all of those young men had to give everything for their country ! When will we learn ?
  23. Great to see the fleet out and having fun !
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