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Everything posted by GeePig

  1. Excellent, I like an easy fix! BTW - by noisy I take it you mean 'noiser than usual for a munga' trevor
  2. Nice find, it looks good and period. I have never heard of the Kermath before trevor
  3. I suppose you have checked the obvious things like sticking throttle cable, butterfly actually closing fully? It must be getting excess air from somewhere, are there any vacuum tubes missing or something like that, and have you tried dribbling a little fuel on the manifold joints to see if the speed changes. Is the throttle spindle worn? I am not really familiar with the Munga, but those are the things that come to mind. trevor
  4. I see you are making good progress! Is that stepped part of the A-frame original, as I see that the other trailers shown do not have it? trevor
  5. Ah, and I was only wondering yesterday about progress trevor
  6. ...and are they spotting rifle empty cases strewn on the ground? trevor
  7. So we assume it was shooting to the right from the direction everyone is looking... I did not realize they made such a flash, was that not a problem? trevor
  8. You did not fail, rick, you merely did not succeed, because at least you made the huge effort to do something, and that is something I can respect. Just think of yourself merely at the Dunkirk stage trevor
  9. Nice collection of 'new' parts, even if I am not sure what they all are trevor
  10. That must have been a grand moment, when you lifted the clutch and she moved trevor
  11. Amazing job on that cooler - I would have been begging to watch some paint dry half way through... trevor
  12. OMG, Richard, I thought for a moment you meant the Ashford tank.... trevor
  13. Hi, Wojtek, welcome! Where are you in Poland? I am in Lublin. trevor
  14. For those cold, wet, huddling inside days, have you considered an F-2 electrically heated flying suit replica? :cool2: trevor
  15. It may be marked with the opening temperature, so all you have to do is place it in a pan of water, heat the water gently, and use a thermometer to check that it opens and then later closes at that temperature. I would leave it in the housing, though, it might be a tad fragile after all these years. trevor
  16. Is the warning triangle mounted on an old T plate, or is it just my eyes going? trevor
  17. Now 'all' you have to do is stitch it all back together :cool2: trevor
  18. Reminds me of the time I was installing some development kit on an aircraft at Tattenhill airfield and an aircraft used for towing gliders came in to land without the towline fully wound back in. The cable caught in the perimeter fence, almost seeming to stop the aircraft dead in the air, before the cable let go and swung around over the tops of the cows in the field, over the top of the parked aircraft and me. I nearly jumped in my car to chase him down the airstrip. trevor
  19. So, we could define a tank as a vehicle that is designed to go anywhere with ease, except onto a trailer. Does this make a trailer the best defence there is against a tank? trevor
  20. Nice! :cheesy: I assume from what I can see that this has at least most of the conversion kit so you can tow it, though it looks like it needs a little bit of love and care! trevor
  21. Well, as long as it is not 'OOH LOOK, SCRAP METAL!' trevor
  22. It's coming along nicely, and it is very red - no risk of losing it in Tesco's carpark trevor
  23. So in my loft I clearly have a water reconnaissance vehicle? trevor
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