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Everything posted by Stormin

  1. Stormin

    RC tank

    Surely that's just to comply with Deac regulations for publication on a U.K. based web-site.
  2. Looks like he's just landed after clearing it to me! Note the impact damage to the quayside.
  3. I know the Manchester marine diesel plant used to be Crossley motors, before Rolls took them over.
  4. Chains, Disc locks etc. May slow down the opportunists, but when my mate had his Land Rover stolen the thieves brought burning gear to remove the disc lock. It's already been said, you'll not stop the determined `professional' thief taking anything. I'm not sure how effective the tracking devices are either. Shouldn't be too much trouble for a knowledgeable thief to find a radio emmitting device and remove it. Best thing to do is make sure you've got more than adequate insurance.
  5. It's a good thought Neil, I'm sure there's plenty of us here would like to do the same. But if you're looking at tackling the big stuff you need a very large well equipped workshop, with a lot of expensive tools. That's going to be a large overhead and your work rates are going to have to cover it. Initially you'll be paying for an empty workshop some of the time until you get established. May be easier to specialise in the smaller stuff, Land Rover, Jeeps, Champs at first. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
  6. Chained down and behind an electric fence by the look of it! And I thought Cowes was a posh place.
  7. They'll be wanting a banner add at the top of every page soon!
  8. Didn't think any hovercraft were still running! Is it just Dover they were retired from then?
  9. Thought you meant the ferry at first. :rofl: Don't laugh those Seacats would surely give Catweazle a run, 35 knots when I was on one last.
  10. Amazing stuff. That FI282 looks amazingly like a modern apache without the cockpit canopy. Looks highly manouvreable too.
  11. Looks like it a was a fine day to be at sea. Not too rough for the land lubbers I trust. Looks like a great time was had by all.
  12. If we'd sorted the jet engine out properly during the war, it would've helped. Helicopters only really became powerful and useful with the advent of jet turbine engines. Those chaps who turned down Frank Whittles early ideas have a lot to answer for.
  13. Paul, If it's wheels for your 432 you're after they shouldn't be too hard to get hold of. As a variant of the vehicle is still in military service they should still be being produced for quite a few years yet. The British army are probably using quite a few at the moment.
  14. Bet that was an expensive and laborious task! How many sets of pads before the track bushes tend to be worn out? Should be a bit better on the road now then.
  15. We'll be the judge of that! Let's see the evidence please. If you're that good I've a Ward La France that needs touching up. :whistle:
  16. Have a happy birthday Mark. :beer:
  17. Makes me wonder how common this type of incident was during operational use.
  18. I think for reasons of cost most people look to obtain new old stock or second hand wheels. Have you tried searching for `vulcanizers' local firms that repair truck tyres may be able to help. Tend to be quite cheap. If it's really shot and really rare you may be better looking for a manufacturer of conveyor wheels, they may do something similar, and be able to repair yours.
  19. Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll be popular at shows with any catering skills. Not sure Kendal needs another ex-military ice-cream van... or was it burger van!
  20. Very nice work. Please could you translate the inscription on the front? Something to do with chickens I think, but not sure of the rest
  21. Sounds good to me Croc, Pity HMVF is no longer running. Will it be a youtube search soon then?
  22. What's the total running time of these three films Jim? £55 seems quite a lot. Are they all on one DVD? Can't someone organize a group purchase discount?
  23. Just discovered this Stolly site with lot's of info and video. Haven't seen it posted up here before so here's a link. http://stollyfiles.blogspot.com/2009_03_01_archive.html
  24. Great to see the pictures Jim. Looks like you've been very busy. At that rate of progress you will have it out sometime this season by the looks of things.
  25. If you find the appropriate tool it's shouldnt be too hard. Large press with dies I think. As long as you're not just cutting the sides out of a few jerrycans. :rofl: I suppose the place for details of your Alfa would be under vehicles, but the categories include:- Wreckers Tracked vehicles American Vehicles British Vehicles Pre WW II vehicles German Vehicles Aviation Even a Naval section, but nothing else for other European vehicles. Perhaps the mods could advise or is it time Joris added an new category?
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