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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. Your right Andy, I’ve had a look at industrial units that do car storage and it’s just too expensive.
  2. Tea and biscuits are an essential part of any vehicle build🙂
  3. All looking good Jon.....but let’s talk biscuits !! Empty biscuit box is possible grounds for divorce !!
  4. Thank you for the info, I might have a lead on a wheel hopefully Jon Morris has come to the rescue
  5. One of them would fit nicely in my Fordson wot6, do you have a link for the auction?
  6. I am looking for storage for 2-3 vehicles near Esher, Surrey Kt10, ideally small barn to rent or shared barn. please message me if you can help.
  7. Looking for a spare wheel for my Fordson wot6 , I’ve been told it may be the same as the Bedford QL please message me if you can help
  8. Not much progress at the moment, I’ve managed to bare metal the roof and it’s not as bad as I thought 🤥 A couple of coats of bonda to protect it and show what needs repairing Now ......I don’t want to blow my own trumpet.......but .......I pretty confident that when I am finished you won’t see a single repair !! You’ll see about 50 😬
  9. It’s cost me £200 and £50 of that was for the privilege of parking a non military vehicle on site!!
  10. It did take over a week to get a reply, I am not happy with the response and will be challenging it.
  11. Just received this email 🤔 Unfortunately no refunds can be issued only deferments, as all monies we have paid out have also been deferred so within the events industry we are all in stale mate !!!!I Your booking still stands for 2022 so please bear with us and we will keep you posted as and when Boris gives us some good news.
  12. I know exactly what you mean, the reality is no one would have questioned the shape of the cover, they would just complement you on the workmanship but the fact you know yourself it’s not right can really niggle you.
  13. What a great garage space full of Matadors.
  14. They certainly do but it’s satisfying when they turn out right, good work as usual Jon.
  15. Evening all, here’s tonight’s instalment for your amusement and viewing pleasure 😬 Today I tackled the front section of the roof, 3 repair section joggled, whittled and fettled into place. I clamped the roof down in position so I could use the edge of the scaffold board as my roof line I had already cut the rotten gutter edge off at the point. I spent quite a lot of time bending, shaping and getting the fit just right, I wanted to make sure the panel wasn’t under any stress or pressure to avoid similar problems that the rear had. Section 2 in and spot welded, I wasn’t rushing the welding to avoid warping Section 3 in place, the original roof is so battered and out of shape I just had to follow the lines that were there. Several cups of tea later and it’s all welded, I was probably excessive on the time I was leaving in between welds to avoid heat distortion but was It worth it ?? .......NO...... Still distorted but not as bad as the rear, it’s a small problem that I can over come....unlike the rear 🤨 I had to put 3 separate slits in the in the rear panel to reduce the spring, it was like it was laughing at me... I’d straighten one section and the next would spring out, I’d bend and move the next panel and the previous one would pop out !! Talk about loosing the will to live 😩 .......but.... I have a new plan🤔
  16. No one in their right mind would really do this sober 🍻
  17. Well..... I am not actually sure what the original construction was as it had previously been patched up/repaired many many times!! I decided that I was going to build it as separate sections, ie back panel, roof section and windscreen just to make it easier to manoeuvre on my own, it was previously all held together with braised welding and fresh air. I still have an ace up my sleeve to hopefully save the day, I have to fit gutter around the outside edge, this will also double up as the internal frame that will bolt to the back section, it should ( if I don’t cock it up ) form a straight line so visually it should look ok......( .if you close your eyes a bit and don’t look up ) 😬
  18. Had a go at heating it up but as I only have my plumbers torch it didn’t really work, the area is just to big to equally heat up at the same time, if anything I think I made it worse 🙄 David’s suggestion of beating it into submission is most likely the route I will take, failing that I will just tell everyone it ran over a land mine!!
  19. So.........here we go again 🤨🤔😭😬 I swear I spend more time just staring at it trying to work out were to start and how I am going to do it !! But... I now have a plan and it’s full steam ahead. Stripped the remains of the gutters and upper door shuts ( not a single cutting disc needed ! Result ) Started at the rear with 3 sections of repair panels Next up was the corners, slightly tricker to do so I’ve skipped a few pictures Worked my way down the side, again a lot of fettling needed to accommodate the shape and gradual curve. Turned it over just to check everything was going to plan. Now.....what idiot thought this was a good idea!! 🙄 But it worked, I needed to make sure the new corners lined up with the rebuilt back section. Good job I checked!! the previous old repairs had a different line to the new one’s. New curve formed and we’re away, it’s all very professional, honest😬 It was all going to well......then disaster.....I was not a happy bunny.... I decided to join up the spot welds on the 3 rear sections of repair panels, I welded inch at a time, moved from one section to another and had a damp rag to keep it cool....but....all the effort put in to keeping it lined up went out the window 😡 it’s no longer straight!! it’s now clamped up in a bid to straighten it, I am not holding my breath and a selection of hammers are on standby.
  20. Just requested a refund, not going to defer again.
  21. Always impressed with the effort put into all your engineering 👍
  22. It’s really coming along well, great attention to detail and superb craftsmanship
  23. Reminds me of changing the gearbox on my Land Rover lifting it through the cab. It will make a massive difference with the new starter ring👍
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