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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. Thin metal welding!! and still learning 🤨
  2. Thin gauge welded to old steel is painful but nothing a smear of filler can’t sort out. oh yes 🤥 it has a couple of poor storage scuffs but it’s not bad.
  3. Evening everyone Managed to finish off the last big job on the passenger door 🎉 I’ve never re-skinned a door before so it was all a learning curve. Mistake number one!! After measuring the slots for the hinges and carefully cutting them out I realised that I’d measured them back to front 🤨 After re-cutting the slots and the sheet to size it was ready to fit, joggled the top edge and offered it up. Applied seam sealer around the edge and the centre bar, not sure if this is the done thing but I thought it can’t hurt. Fitted the skin carefully then went about bending the lip over which is easier said than done. And then the slow process of thin welding, definitely not my favourite activity 🙄 Ground back and ready for filling. Re-hung the door again to check it still fits, it didn’t 🤔!! Somehow fitting the skin and welding had put it slightly out of square, one block of timber as a wedge and some minor tweaking it was back to where it needed to be. The original skin now makes a nice piece of wall art, although the wife said it would be best suited in the garage 😬
  4. I tried to get a refund for next years show as I didn’t want to defer anymore, I informed them that I couldn’t make the dates for next year and that I was within my consumer rights to ask for a refund, they refused point blank and stated that next years dates were only proposed dates therefore they didn’t have to give a refund. Hi Seamus New dates for 2022 are provisional and are subject to change under our T&C’s , so as I have said in my numerous responses to you ,no refunds will be issued only deferments as we are in the same position as you and have been deferred by the Hop Farm ,Contractors etc. There is no more I can tell you at this moment . Kind Regards Jane Morgan Accounts Department
  5. Today’s progress report My task for today was to repair the top of the frame and fit a new door skin, or so I thought 🤔 I decided to do a dry run and fit the door to see if it actually still fitted before anymore repairs were done, obviously I was being optimistic thinking it would fit like a glove……wrong 🤨 Some serous fettling was required to the hinges, this involved a vice and big hammer!! After a couple of hours adjusting the fit was pretty good. Now it was time to repair the top of the frame. This tea bag turned out to be a bit fiddly as I didn’t want to loose the shape of the skin around the window. cut away each section until I got to a workable shape. Out came the angle iron again to form the bend, now this might sound obvious but I used a rubber mallet to bent the steel instead of the usual club hammer, not sure why I’ve never used it before but it doesn’t leave the odd hammer mark that the club does. The repair section was made up from two angle bits of steel and spot welded. Finished with a bead of seam sealer to tidy up the dodgy welding. The new door skin will now have to wait until next week. Lastly…thank you to Eddie1983 for coming up with a NOS mirror arm 👍
  6. Had quite a productive day today, made a decision to replace most of the door skin rather than repair, it was at the point where there was just to many repairs needed. Once the skin was removed it was easier to repair the frame. Repair sections for both sides. Lined up and welded Unfortunately the lower part of the pressed sections of the door were also to far gone to repair, I really didn’t want to loose the look but also couldn’t think of any way of reproducing the pressing with the limited tools I have…….so I came up with a new design!!! Hope you like it. I cut slits in the curves to loose them, welded small sections of 2mm plate to give the desired affect and finished with a bottom edge. It will require a bit of fettling and some work with the filler but I think to looks ok.
  7. Thanks Martin, that’s an incredible amount of information, it’s amazing how much effort goes into forming these shapes. I’ve ordered this edge strip from F.H.Brundle Its similar in size, I am going to cut the inside lip out and see if that works, it’s cheap enough to give it a go.
  8. Thanks for the input Peter, there are a few options available however I’ve never soldered anything other than general plumbing, I’ll put it on my list of things to try. 👍 Hi Martin, many thanks for the offer. I’ve emailed F.H.brundle to see what they have available, the channel wouldn’t really be to difficult to make, it would just be a nice time saver if I could buy one off the shelf, there’s a couple of pictures below showing how the frame has been formed in two parts, apologises for the poor picture. Regards Seamus
  9. Thanks gents, I’ve used these split rivets many times over the years but for the life of me I couldn’t remember what they were called 👍 I haven’t tried F.H.Brundle but it’s a good call, I remember buying some metal anti slip tread plate from them last year.
  10. While I procrastinate over the state of the doors ( waiting for sheet steel to arrive 🤥 ) my attention has turned to the windscreens, drivers one is in fair condition apart from the glass but passenger side has suffered Drivers side good👍 passenger side bad👎 Stripping down was easy enough as the screws were brass and only finger tight. Took a bit more persuasion to remove the glass but the drivers side come out clean and is suitable for a template. Can anyone advise me on where I can order some steel channel to repair the passenger frame, I've found one supplier online but the sizes available aren’t close enough to use. Lastly does anyone know what these clips are called and where I can buy them, I believe they are available in brass.
  11. And they will probably be fitted to a NOS cab as well 😂
  12. I’d better start ordering more sheet steel😬
  13. Great looking project but unfortunately no space to store it
  14. After a short break work has now resumed…. Attention has turned to the doors, I decided to start on the passenger door as that had suffered the most like everything else on the passenger side, it soon became clear that it had had major previous repairs 😩 I started by cutting away the worst of the rust, you know it’s bad when the previous repairs have also rusted away. The first sign of original paint on the truck!! At this point the door was getting smaller and lighter The main part of the door skin didn’t look too bad until the preparation wheel stripped the paint and revealed it was actually a tea bag!! Now…… the main question is…….when is a door just to far gone?? And I know the answer to this question but I am going to ask anyway……… “ Does anyone happen to have spare doors in better condition?? “ A pair of NOS doors that could be delivered by a flying unicorn 🤨
  15. Land Rover had the same solution for leaking swivels, they sell tubes of one shot grease which might be handy for your truck. Good work on the polishing, it’s a big beast to clean but it does look good 👍
  16. From your picture it looks like the red is on top of the brown, very strange 🤔
  17. The majority I’ve seen are red oxide, is there any desert colour paint anywhere on the vehicle? Possible first gulf war??? Desert sand and brown camo!!
  18. Thanks for the replies gents. The different units marking make sense, it was overhauled in 1956 and cast in 1968 so it had a lengthy service and as you say was probably assigned to different regiments. unfortunately there’s no background colours left to narrow it down. Either way it’s still a nice piece of history.
  19. It looks like 17418 or 17478, I will try to clean it carefully this weekend
  20. Someone on this forum will know the answer!! There are the remains of numbers painted on the front of my Matador, a colleague suggested that they might be a D-Day vehicle landing number, I’ve seen pictures of other vehicles with similar numbers but I have no idea what there for, if anyone can help please let me know. Every day is a learning curve 🤔
  21. Are these records available online? I would like to get a copy to keep with the trucks history.
  22. Thank you again Wally, who knows I may get lucky and find a service picture or win the lottery!! Odds are probably the same 😁 Regards Seamus
  23. Thank you Wally, can I ask where this information is available from and would I be able to find out any service history ? Regards Seamus
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