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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. So...new banjo nut arrived today and it’s the same, it has a tiny pin hole to restrict the fuel return, next step loosed all the injector pipes and advanced the pump timing by 2mm , tightened everything and started it up , usual puff of smoke , put a dead Leg on the throttle set at about 1500rpm and watched the smoke disappear 🎉 ran it at 1500rpm for about 30 minutes straight and didn’t miss a beat, virtually no smoke , I haven’t added the fuel treatment yet, I will wait until I get it on the road.
  2. WHAT !!!!! 🤨 a second halftrack..... not jealous at all 🤥
  3. Sorry haven’t taken any pictures, it’s your standard military series 3 with 20 layers of flaking paint, a dash that looks like a dogs chewed it and a motley collection of seat cushions!! not nicely painted and sign written like yours.
  4. Could you please expand on your answer Richard? Just out of interest why would the hole in the banjo be so small, it literally is like a pin hole and considering the return pipe is the same size as the feed pipe, there’s obviously a reason and would it cause a problem if the hole was drilled bigger?
  5. Thank you for all the good advice. So the plan is buy a new banjo bolt just to check if there’s any difference put some diesel fuel cleaner in then thrash the nuts out of it and see what happens!!
  6. Well I don’t know if it was a problem in the past , the previous owner said it was a smoker before I got laid up. you mentioned it could be for back pressure, why would there be back pressure required on the return pipe ? ( I am not overly familiar with diesels )
  7. Valve clearances checked and all fine, injectors have been stripped and cleaned but I don’t have a pressure tester to bench test, there is virtually no crank case compression and the smoke is mainly grey, if you hold the revs continuously the smoke clears but returns at idle, I think I’ve narrowed it down to either pump timing or dripping injectors but my main question is the return pipe banjo supposed to have such a small pin hole or is it a duff and needs drilling out.
  8. Help and advice needed !! I recently bought an ex military Land Rover 109 that’s had a Land Rover 2.25 diesel fitted, it’s been off the road for approximately 10 years, I’ve managed to get it running but it ran like a sack of 💩 and smokes like a chimney, I’ve drained the tank, added fresh fuel, replaced the lift pump and changed the fuel filter, it looks like someone has run it on used engine oil as the filter was blocked it now starts better and revs but still smokes grey with a hint of blue which I believe is fuel and oil, I read somewhere that blocked fuel return pipes on land rovers can cause a problem so I cleaned the pipes with an air line, while doing this I noticed the return pipe bango nut has a very small hole apologies for the out of focus picture but is this normal and if so why so small? I know this is not a normal question about military vehicles but there is a wealth of knowledge on this forum and any advice would be welcome.
  9. Good things come to those who wait and it was definitely worth waiting for, excellent progress 👍
  10. I think the word you are looking for is “ Jackpot “ finding a discarded tanker! What a result.
  11. Any thoughts on where you would find another valve?
  12. Just been checking prices and universal are also the cheapest, advertised as South American made. universal £135 Dallas £145 Jeepparts £155 I can’t imagine that there are that many different manufacturers of these rims.
  13. Sounds like a challenge 🤔 if the rain ever stops I’ll give it a go!!😁
  14. I’ve not tried this technique yet but it certainly does a good job.
  15. I’ve previously purchased original combat rims but they have been heavily pitted, holed with rust and warped, I am sure other Jeep owners on this forum can help.
  16. It’s a synthetic olive drab 15% sheen from war paint
  17. Can anyone recommend a supplier for good quality repro Jeep combat rims? I’ve heard the stories about poor quality rims from India and possibly the Philippines and don’t really want to get caught out, I’ve looked on Dallas autos website and theirs state American made but has anyone actually bought them and can recommend them.
  18. Just when I though the project was stalling a bit of a push was required Managed to grab a few hours of spare time to start fitting some previously painted parts Steering box refitted with the now working hand throttle, steering wheel still needs a clean and paint but temporary fitted just to check it’s all working, it’s amazing how light the steering really is 🤥 crowning moment when the grill gets refitted, just need to get the touch up brush to paint the bolts. lastly fitted the distinctive cab tray It never ceases to amaze me that after all these years how well it still works 😁
  19. The joys of fabricating lovely curves 🤨 it will be worth it when it’s done👍
  20. What about silicone spray, to the best of my knowledge it’s safe to use on rubber as a preservative
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