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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. Give them a call and see what they can do.
  2. American canvas, John and Mary worthing If you have an old canvas for a pattern their work is fantastic
  3. Excellent piece of engineering as usual Jon. 👍
  4. Slow progress is still progress, it was never going to be a weekender, keep chipping away, it will be worth it in the end. Whats the spares availability like for one of these?
  5. Thanks Pete , I am pleased with the end result, it’s a few mm out in places but nothing to get annoyed with, many lessons have been learnt on tackling a project of this size.
  6. Thank you for the complement, a milestone has been reached and it’s only taken a mere 58 weeks.....so far😬
  7. Thanks Jon, it’s actually a relief to get it out of the garage and fitted, it certainly does spur you on to get stuck in and finish the project.
  8. Evening everyone Well....the time had come to see if everything fitted 🤔 and..........it did!! , well almost......sort of.....kind of.....a few alterations later and a certain amount of swearing, it fitted like a glove. Stage 1 : straight forward, I used black gutter sealant when joining the sections, it dries into a rubber type of seal and hopefully prevent water ingress. Stage 2 : strengthening bars on first and windscreen frame fitted stage 1&2 were fairly easy, slightly annoying that one of the captive nuts in the screen frame came lose and disappeared, unfortunately this section of frame is not accessible 🤨 Finally stage 3 : this was the swearing stage!!! It fitted on the bench!!! and just to top it off the sealant that I had neatly applied was now all over my hands, tools and every nut and bolts that decided they no longer wanted to line up with the holes 😩 But it all came good in the end.
  9. The offer is very much appreciated thank you.
  10. Thank you for the complement, sometimes you just have to make do with what you have, it would be nice to have all the right equipment to make life easier but where would the challenge be!!
  11. Thanks Pete, this stage of the job seemed to be never ending 🤞 it all fits😬
  12. Quick update The painting is almost finished, grey zinc primer to cover the red oxide before hitting it with the green The paint was still wet when the picture was taken, it’s 15% sheen so it will loose the gloss finish when dry A couple of before and after pictures a small amount of work later!! and to finish....my neighbour the skilled carpenter has been at work again!! He has reproduced one of the missing gun butt holders and done a pretty good job. The roof requires one more coat of paint and weather depending it might get fitted next weekend.
  13. It’s coming along nicely, these jobs are a labour of love, if you add up the hours spent cleaning and checking everything it’s not a good business model 😬
  14. !!! THE ROOF IS FINISHED !!! 🎉🍻🤪 (apart from filling, sanding, painting, fettling, whittling and fitting) Big push this week and a couple of days off work really did help Fitting the windscreen turned out to be the biggest pain, I’ve converted the screen surround so it bolts together instead of being weld, sounds easy!! Not!! I made the mistake of trying to refit what had been previously been repaired by someone else, I generally wasted a day trying to adapt what I had, it turns out that 75% of the screen surround isn’t original, no surprise there🤨 so....after banging my head off a brick wall to knock some sense into myself I cut off the offending parts, welded some captive nuts in place and we were away 😬 last big cleaned up Lastly I had the roof support repaired by neighbour Simon, fantastic job done cheers Simon.
  15. Had a large present delivered today 😁 Courtesy of Jon Morris Thank you again Jon for all your help with this 👍
  16. This phrase sounds very familiar!! 🤔 I may have said the same to my wife on several occasions 😁
  17. No more tractor nonsense!! Yesterday was very productive, I’ve formed the top of the new door shuts and finally worked out exactly how the windscreen is going to fit 😬 Fitted the last of the gutters on both sides ( can’t find the passenger side picture but it looks the same anyway ) I cheated slightly by buying folded steel for the door shuts, it’s more expensive but looks a lot neater Had a few problems with my spot welds to start with, I kept filling the punched hole with weld before it penetrated the panel below, has to drill several out and start again 🤨 I’ve built it so the roof section can still be removed and the tab at the end will be drilled and bolted to secure it. Passenger side was just a repeat process. I’ve started to repair the front panel for the roof where the windscreen fixes and hopefully that will be completed next weekend.
  18. My Fordson has no gauge nor has there ever been one fitted, 2 tanks and a dipstick.
  19. All looking good Steve. Have you looked on the Airfix/modellers forums ? They are usually very accurate for details like paint schemes.
  20. I’ve registered with the Grey fergie forum but no response so far 🤨 😂 thank you Rob, your advice is greatly appreciated 😁 The Fordson wot6 service will resume tomorrow!!
  21. I had thought valve problem so I’ve done a compression check and there holding 100 psi in all four hence why this has really got me scratching my head, the previous owner who I’ve known for sometime said that it had been running fine before being neglected along with his other 30+ tractors
  22. Evening everyone I am in need of some mechanical knowledge, it’s not wot6 related or even military!! But there’s a wealth of knowledge on this forum so here go’s 😬 It’s Ferguson tractor related I’ve recently bought a 1952 ted20 that’s sat in a field for about 20 years and I just can’t get it to run right!!Here’s what I’ve done, cleaned and rebuilt the fuel tap, stripped and clean the carb, new points, condenser, plugs and leads, it fires up but idle is all over the place and it won’t rev, I’ve adjusted the carb to every possible setting and it’s still rough, the only thing I can’t do is the timing, I’ve located tdc with a screw driver in the hole below the starter and set the dizzy with a test light but it just doesn’t like it, the only thing that helps is retarding the timing while it’s running and it smooths out but it won’t start again as it sounds like it’s trying to hydraulic.......help needed please
  23. Fantastic video, well done to the camera man. interesting gear change, was that hi to low and a gear change all at the same time?
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