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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. Are those two speed plus reverse gear boxes or ? What was the max speed of those trucks on good smooth roads?
  2. Just a quick note , while I have tried to trace all my post's and remove the old size information to restore "my post's" and rather than have the mods. do the corrections do you think a notice should be posted for the other members to also correct the links on their posts as they come across them ?

    width=600 height=399 example to remove the width and height from with in the brackets ?

    You all have done a great job getting the board up and working again and have even added a number of new features....I just know this easy fix will restore a lot of the still missing photo's . Thanks and have a great day . Yours Pete

  3. Great Video thanks for posting the link
  4. I guess one other benefit of such systems was to help keep down dust on the primitive roads by oiling them ,although it must have been quite hazardous on the cobblestone surfaces when it rained for both the solid rubber tires and foot traffic .
  5. If I recall werent a number of engines of that time lubricated with a manual pump by regularly pumping oil from a storage tank to the engine and dumping the excess used oil as needed ??
  6. maybe they thought APC was short for All Purpose Caravan ? ...Just kidding !! So Sorry to see /read all the problems and roadblock's that have been put in your way .
  7. If the gears in the second box are not all serviceable , what is your next option ? Do you get new ones custom machined ?
  8. Gee's for a couple of pounds you get the whole lot . at least the parts remaining have to be worth something !
  9. It appeared that some planning was done in its placement as it was set on a good gravel base , and if the hull drains were open then corrision would seem to be very low. Shame its been removed , was it judged not to be PC ?
  10. Your a Good man !!! Yes it should be saved and perhaps even given a little workout every now and then , engines hate to just sit and need to be started to keep the seals in shape , the carburator flushed of stale fuel , a fuel stabilizier is a must and a top grade of antifreeze to halt any corrosion .
  11. I would hope the chapel would stay also but it does not look good to have it completely emptied as well ???? How many flats will be built on the site now ? How many stories will the building be ?
  12. Welcome Colonel Mustard , I was at the 1989 Portsmouth southsea show and have posted a few photo's from that . Glad to have you here .
  13. Not to worry about the Photo's , They are Great ... Looks like a lot of fun was being had by everyone !!
  14. WoW one day to dismantel and another day to reassemble , you didnt waste anytime , Great work all the way around .
  15. I was wondering about that pair of photo's of the 6x6 truck parked along the road how the middle axle tire was buried in the dirt , did it suffer a drive line problem ?
  16. Great looking Vehicles , nice open area to put on the display , Nice selection of Photo's thanks for taking them and for posting them here for allof us to enjoy !
  17. I believe the gas tanks when their mounted on the U.S. vehicles have a rubber strip between the tank and the strap is that why American vehicles dont suffer this same damage ?
  18. Welcome and not to worry about length as its helpful to get across what needs to be said . Glad you have joined us and hope you will be posting a few photo's in the future as WE are always looking at all sorts of HMV's.
  19. Thank You , for the additional details , Although I have always kept up with the World News I can't recall the event. Must have felt something like it did back during War time there , planning around when the power would be out and such .
  20. interesting , over on this side of the pond if it has 3 wheels or less < think 2 > and I m not including uni-cycles < 1 wheel > , Then its classed as a motorcycle , and that applies I think if its a motorcycle + sidecar or a Trike. I may be wrong and will see what the others on this side say .
  21. When did those strikes take place and how long did they last ? What did the regular population do during that time ?
  22. Welcome to the Forum , It will be interesting to see a few of these Great War Historical Vehicles in the parking lot outside the Club house someday. Those Big solid rubber tires and their measured pace when on the road ! One of the other Senior members will be along to show you your room here and the cleaning duties roster , then you can join the others in the Club house for a Drink and a chin wag about the latest finds and successes .
  23. A real beauty , is it still gas engined or has it been converted ?
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