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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. So, a non-heat way to put on metal tyres - I'd never have believed it.
  2. One big factor often overlooked is the grade of engine oil used. A lighter weight oil will give significant imoprovements in mpg - less resistance to rotation, and higher oil flow gives greater heat flow and therefore better cooling. A friend proved this over many years with cars/trucks/plant. That said I would consider it better to select the right grade of oil for engine protection and durability over mpg :cool2:
  3. Wouldn't the usual process of applying the tyre tighten everything up with a lot more pressure than this rig? If the wheel was out of shape it would remain out of shape after application of uniform presure all around - unless each piston could be operated independently maybe to alow tweaking of shape? :cool2: It all sounds a bit dodgy to me. The only thing it might do is tighten up all the joints in preparation for the tyre application - which I would have thought must still be done the tradditional way by heating and shrinking on. You can't leave it there Clive - we now need to establish the whole process. This was only supposed to be a competition -now look what it's turned into! P.S. Have just shot a pidgeon which was headed stright for the back door, but the dog ate it - that wasn't the voucher delivery, was it?
  4. I think that's Richard's £25 voucher - he got to the wheel thing, I was dead set on it being a tyre heater.:-(
  5. Correct Paul, same as the Jeep in first post. They had their priorities right though at Station 136....
  6. Or even better - a gas heater for expanding and shrinking tyres onto said wheels :angel:
  7. It can't be a turntable can it? Suppose the slewing ring similarity is just a red herring :red:
  8. Great pic that last one!! Is the Rapier transmission / running gear a dedicated design or is it from another AFV?
  9. Oh dear - another one from the same stable as the Jeep in post 1! Is that an 8 or a double cheeseburger? :-D The star looks a bit queasy too. I mean, just imagine turning up at a rally with that? .............. ....................................................................................And then pulling out a photo to show the critics! :cool2:
  10. Some original 1942 Varga prints for framing
  11. Great stuff, but I was hoping to see the Rugged Robin towing one of those little radio controlled tanks that kept trying to trip me up
  12. The Rugged Robin Rascal variant - now that explains a lot :cool2:
  13. But why would there be wheel ruts in terrain where other vehicles could not go? :cool2:
  14. While we wait for convoy pics - This little fella wasn't allowed out on the convoy, so was left abandoned for most of Saturday tied up to a tree outside the hangar - disgraceful way to be treated....
  15. Re. video - that engine sound like an old dog to me.....
  16. You obviously feel very strongly about it, JJ. I can appreciate that, although it is a shame it prevents you from enjoying the rest of (and the majority of) displays and exhibits at these shows. It certainly doesn't affect me so much that it prevents me from going - I simply avoid spending too long in those areas - but what does annoy me is when an unexpected encounter with it forces me to confront what happened at a time when I don't really want to - like no doubt lots of others I'd rather not be reminded of it every time I go to a show. On the other hand when would we ever think 'Oh I think I'll do a bit of research into ww2 attrocities this evening'? The reality is most of us don't, and eventually the whole thing gets suppressed and lost to newer generations. My comments are only concerned with the affect the wearing of these uniforms has - as to why people wear them I'd rather not even think about it, and in any case only they can answer that. So does it boil down to - 1) I'd like these uniforms banned because I don't want to be reminded of attrocities whenever I am confronted by them at shows? 2) If not banned, I'd like to see all such uniforms relegated to a separate area of a show where I can choose not to go, and no such uniforms to be worn in communal areas e.g. bars where they may cause offence?
  17. Yes, a difficult one. I was just where you are a while back, but you can't get away from the fact that the very presence of these outfits actually makes people think about what they did, so that helps to fulfill your wish that we never forget.
  18. What a coincidence - and on that subject here's my take on your rear end shot :
  19. A few more 'sepia mood' ones, but they don't show the scale of the convoy or the vehicles behind the GMCs, and I'm not so sure the first lot went down very well :yawn:
  20. From the now cleared yard of Beke, Paris: A brace of Diamond Ts, just resting up for a while..... GMC wooden bodies, complete with loads..... A bit of everything.... The odd Pacific 5th wheel or two....
  21. The 514th Trucking Co always put on a good diorama - but one where there is always something, however small, going on. On Friday morning I was lucky enough to find most of them distracted by something on the bonnet of a GMC!
  22. There were some good dioramas this year. I did wonder for a moment whether the first one shown was a diorame, or a genuine accident caused by the stampede to get best pitches :whistle: But then they wouldn't have left the body of the decapitated driver in position, would they? Whatever, it was very effective!
  23. Finally got to see the ultra-rare Rugged Robin in the flesh, and what a cracking vehicle it is! Even had a drive and I can confirm it is a fantastically manouvreable vehicle, such a pity the in-service reliability issues could not have been resolved. When rain turned the Beltring roadways one evening from grip to slick it was pretty much the only thing able to move around. The owner wouldn't allow me take it for a swim, claiming the fibreglass body had been permanently damaged by osmosis due to exposure to the South Atlantic seas, meaning it was no longer watertight.
  24. I've had that too - with one vehicle the renewal form always asked for test cert. Then two years back the test requirement did not appear on the renewal form, but last year it was back again! But so long as you can legitimately cross the box it is really not a problem.
  25. It's an ALBION 8 x 6, model CX33. According to Bart H Vanderveen it was originally an 8 x 8 with outer axles steering, but later became an 8 x 6 with one engine driving outer axles and the other driving no. 3 axle and with the 2 front axles steering. Which makes one wonder if there was only ever one built? So - once you've worked out which end is the front you'll have it sussed :-D
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