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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. What was that GMC towing at 0.22? You never noticed the GMC?
  2. I like the cautious dog! I've just seen your Fiat 626 build on your website - that looks a very highly detailed kit with excellent illustrated instructions :coffee:
  3. Mrs N.O.S. won't allow the GMC with No.7 set in the bed :-X
  4. This an interesting one - WC54 Ambulance, perhaps to cheer up the passengers?
  5. Well they do run smoother with a little weight in the back
  6. A bit more on their history. They were used by Potter Bros Builders as site huts - quite probably bought from one of the Hethel sales - and after they'd finished with them they went to a scrap yard at Scarning. And what do you know? The axles, wheels springs and turntable of the second trailer still exist and could be available as spares if required
  7. I remembered today what I bought from Mervyn - it was back in approx. 1998 - 2000 and I think there were two trailers there, one was really rough, one was (a little) better. I recall one was to going be scrapped. I couldn't say if the one Frank had was the scrapper or the better one! Mervyn might know more and maybe where the other one went.
  8. I wish I could make models as well as whoever made up the one in your catalogue photos :wow:
  9. For commercial weight stuff, if you need a one-off recovery it is generally pretty costly. The trouble is it has to be a fast response so a friendly plant mover may not be able to just drop a job he's on and get there quick. And if you are obstructing a highway, unless you can convince the Police you have someone on the way, they may call a commercial recovery firm on your behalf and you have to pay! Several companies (saw one on ebay yesterday, and there is the Roadsure scheme) offer a commercial weight recovery insurance service for £70 and up as a 12 month insurance policy. For one vehicle I'd be tempted to play safe and take out a policy. But it would be good to know of recovery operators in various regions who are sympathetic to our hobby and who charge accordingly.
  10. Pretty sure they were radio or radar vans (there were two of them). Mervyn Mayes might possibly be able to shed some light on it. As Frank will have probably told you (whatever has come over him? ), this one was formerly used by a builder and came from Yaxham railway station goods yard. I looked at it there a some years ago with a view to doing something with it and ran away from it even then, but seeing what you've done with the Chev it certainly won't be a problem for you.
  11. Looks a very good colour that. I got in a right old muddle with paint after the source of my preferred shade dried up. I ended up mixing two shades of Frank Burberry 50/50, but even now am not convinced. I just cannot find the right shade. I know it shouldn't matter that much (when you get a load of vehicles with different paint together even the ones you thought looked awful on their own seem to be just fine :-)) - but somehow it does matter :angry
  12. Great :-D, but I don't think anything could come close to what I believe was one of the first rewrites of this film scene;
  13. Steer well clear of a company called Triple B Recovery (Beckett's Breakdown Boys) :whistle:
  14. Doesn't the legislation refer specifically to CARS? In which case, :stop: :pfrt: :n00b:
  15. As an alternative to Screwfix, try http://www.parkertools.co.uk for the same - pins £1.10 each, 50m barrier netting £19 odd.
  16. N.O.S.


    A long way from you, but Tenrcih Tyres at Isleham near Ely are a major stockist of s/h aircraft tyres at sensible prices. Tel. 01638 780747 Plenty of smaller main and tail wheels in all sizes and conditions. If you have any luck let me know. Last time I was there they had plenty of Dakota tyres - you could always put a pair of those on?
  17. Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? Is it peer pressure making you want to put bulges in the bonnet? Sure it will make you happier? Will you be comfortable with people constantly staring at your bonnet? You need to be absolutely sure this is what you want to do, otherwise you may become disillusioned and end up having the bulges removed. Please consider carefully and seek counselling first.
  18. Now try and turn that into a wartime WLA lookalike
  19. Jack - do you reckon the Forum could claim an allowance for relieving NHS Psychiatric Services of the burden of looking after Jono? :nut: Mmm those 3275s do look useful :coffee:
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