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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. Hello Jack, and a warm welcome to the Forum. Please tell us a bit about yourself in the Introductions and Welcomes section. Do you have a favourite vehicle? :whistle:
  2. It was CW Green, and they are no longer trading. Bu%%er. Anyone know a good Teleflex Morse dealer?
  3. You need an agent for Teleflex Morse Controls. I used to use a top drawer company (last time 12 years back), right on your doorstep in fact - FLEXIBLE CONTROLS, a division of a marine engineering company called GREEN (?) right on the quay in Lincoln. I can't find anything on the www, but maybe a bit of legwork will enable you to track them down. If you do make a connection, please let me know.
  4. One way to get rid of the gaps is to go to the bother of insulating the shed - not cheap but compared to commercial dehumidifiers, money well spent :-)
  5. I would put a strop around the chassis rear and pull gently from the right. I don't think the tipping gear will need cutting......
  6. N.O.S.

    bedford ql

    Hi chindit - try http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?437-Scrap-yard-relics... post 745 :-)
  7. Tom - I saw the truck at Dave's yard a few years ago (I could smell it from the A14 and diverted....:-)). He said it had been towed without disconnecting prop or pulling half shafts, so quite possibly also with gearbox in neutral between 1st and R.... In any event it had seized up and they were looking to put another box in. It appeared otherwise to be in very good condition. Something about being towed in Germany rings a bell?? Best, Tony
  8. OK, so how many legitimate () uses are there for this tool, and what vehicles was it supplied with?
  9. Richard, this thread is about Xmas presents, not New Year Resolutions :D
  10. www.moondogshirtco.com Not the cheapest, but quality is something else. Just look how the pocket mathes up! You will not be disappointed :-)
  11. Luckily it weighs 28 tonnes so they won't be able to roll it upside down.
  12. Wondering if it will ever get warm enough to be able to wear my present....
  13. Hi Willy, I have sent you a pm on behalf of Roy re. radiator and other parts. Merry Xmas! Tony
  14. OK, try finding a caption for this which doesn't include the F word....:cool2:
  15. My Autocar U-7144T, then resident at the Lamanva museum in Cornwall, was in the film. I believe the museum supplied other vehicles, but I'm sure someone on here has previously revealed who supplied the fleet of GMCs.
  16. But having said that, should you be lucky enough to find a difflock kit, please let me know!!
  17. Now that would be a useful bit of kit! Sadly it probably only exists in the imaginaton of all those (me too) who have spent hours digging them out of the mire!!! (And that's because often they manage to get further than any readily available machine can get to pull them out :banghead: ) TM is much heavier axle, and many TLs had different axles.
  18. Which would be 6" tyres for 20" rims. www.longstonetyres.co.uk are listing several makes in this size - search for 600x20 on their site.
  19. Well I like all those replies This is the story behind the Munga's demise: It was bought for a game shooting estate (a very large area of bush) in northern South Africa. The owner, who visited frequently, had a resident dog - a Rhodesian Ridgeback by name of Rob - who 'adopted' the Munga. He would often stand guard over it and not anyone except the owner and the driver near. If he was not on guard and heard the Munga start he would rush over and jump in - the Munga never went anywhere without Rob on board. When Rob died the owner sent instructions up that the Munga (in perfect working order) should be placed on Rob's grave as a Memorial. A male baboon is often to be seen sitting in the driver's seat holding the wheel.
  20. Robin - with respect you are wrong. The front page was so old it would have been exempt from the current regulations. :saluting:
  21. Fair comment, Sidewinder. And whilst there may still be some opportunities to get a few vehicles through the system by presenting well-reasoned cases on specific points, I guess we do have to be realistic about the future, and to that end here is how I see the process for registering post 1973 mvs going: I imagine that DVLA will require an SVA for any vehicle which falls outside a fairly conventional category. This is the only sensible way they can ensure that only vehicles which comply in all respects with the relevant regulations do get registered. I don't think the argument of 'you've already registered some of this type, so why not mine?' will work, however unfair it may seem. Try putting yourself in their shoes - how else could you do it? Sadly I cannot see anyone going to the expense of obtaining Type Approval for any breed of unconventional mv. I would hope that DVLA will not be unduly concerned with any non-compliant vehicles which may have already slipped through the net (for whatever reason), so hopefully those owners can continue to enjoy the priviledge of driving them on the public highway.
  22. That's it - Jack isn't coming anywhere near my U-7144T........
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