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Everything posted by N.O.S.

  1. And how do the latest tacho requiremnts affect these vehicles? Post 1973 (HGV, taxed PRIVATE/HGV) 1986 20t Foden 8x4 flatbed carrying GMC 6x6 (private use) ditto (hire and reward) Pre 1960 (HEAVY LOCOMOTIVE, taxed HISTORIC) 1944 Diamond T 981 / Rogers trailer carrying Sherman tank (private use) ditto (hire and reward) Post 1960 pre 1973 (HGV, taxed HISTORIC) 1964 AEC 6x6 cargo truck carrying Jeep (private use) ditto (hire and reward) I'm sure that (at one time) - if for private use they didn't need tacho to be fitted or used, but if used for hire and reward they all needed tacho to be used. Anyone else confused? There must be someone out there has found this out for their own purposes, and who is prepared to share the answer (please)!
  2. And of course if it is pre 1973 it is simply Historic tax class - just forget the G unless you want to carry something with the vehicle.
  3. Alternatively follow this link and choose something appropriate (which certainly shouldn't have a G for goods in it ): www.dft.gov.uk/dvla/forms/~/media/pdf/leaflets/v335x1.ashx Oh, and note the disclaimer on the front page!
  4. Oh, fine thanks, Jack :blush: I knew this was going to lead to me having to admit I've not made much progress this year
  5. Well done to you, Fleetmaster!!! These will make a wondeful outfit. The amazing thing is not just to be able to find and save both unit and trailer seperately (I've followed the discovery of both), but that they should both be in such unbelievable condition :shocked: Were you born lucky?
  6. Great, you'll be able to deliver the new GMC
  7. I was just wondering out of interest how many forum members it might take to change one? :cool2:
  8. Thanks Adrian. I reckon it must have been either Heather or Sally.
  9. That's a bit harsh! Couldn't you have given him a final written warning instead?
  10. Thanks for that, Brooky. Looks like I need to revisit all the legislation once more :readbook::sweat: - as things may have moved on since I last formed a view on what it all meant :??? :cool2:
  11. I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of the front half. What do you mean, "That's all there is" ?
  12. N.O.S.

    MVT Contacts

    I think you will find that tracked and track/wheel combination (e.g. Halftracks) vehicles are more than adequately represented in the C+U regulations
  13. Would it be fair / correct to add the bits in red above, to make it more clear what is covered by Driver's hours legislation? And does this mean carriage of goods for hire or reward only, or does it cover being used laden with anything? Examples of being used laden applicable to our (MV) use might include carrying a MV to a show, collecting a newly purchased project vehicle, or moving something for a friend f.o.c. The rolling 25 years is very interesting - possibly a mistake by the legislation writers?
  14. Followed by another member saying "Hey, don't drag me into this argument" and then reporting the post.
  15. And you missd off the one(s) who hijack the thread by asking if anyone has one of those rare light units they've been unable to track down (picture below if anyone can help) :whistle:
  16. You missed off the (at least) one to post a whole load of bananas (for no particular reason other than to increase the population of bananas on the forum) :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
  17. General Thwai-Phut-Poh insisted the motorcycle display team commence training, despite the delay in delivery of their machines.
  18. Bump. Any more developments regarding this film project?
  19. I thought yours was a most informative and helpful response! It made me realise how little I know about my own Jeep!!!! :blush:
  20. Ian, Ken's excellent reply convinces me I am definitely not qualified to advise on the authenticity of any Jeep (although I suspect that mother of a boil-up might just turn out to be red dirt road dust? :cool2:). But I think I might be qualified enough to give you simple advice - as just a general mv enthusiast - on whether it looks good or not - Yes, it does! So you really need to decide what it is you want. If you want a totally authentic Jeep which will stand the closest scrutiny from those know know and understand Jeep DNA, I'd recommend you take someone suitably qualified with you when looking. If you just want a really nice looking Jeep to simply enjoy the pleasures of driving and participating in events to entertain the general public, go and find yourself the tidiest example you can within your budget which is mechanically well sorted and which should therefore be reliable, and which makes you think you are looking at a real wartime Jeep. The danger here is - you might end up paying more than you should have for what turns out to be not quite as correct / original as it should be. But if you like it and it looks good, and you get years of pleasure out of it, is this really such a problem? I recently decided not to take my 1949 CJ3A and make it look cosmetically much more like a wartime example (which would have devalued it and cost the same - when added to the base Jeep value - as buying a nice wartime example!!), and instead bought a really nice wartime example. Fortunately, when I had a very knowledgeable Jeep expert look it over (after I had got it home :shocked:) it passed with a very respectable score. Maybe I was lucky, but I've seen enough Jeeps to know what looks good, and when I drove this one it somehow just felt right for me, so decision made. Since I have no intention of selling it, any difference between what I paid and the actual value is of no great importance. I have the greatest admiration for those who seek perfection in their Jeeps - and aren't there some stunning Jeeps out there as a result! Just because I can't tell the difference between a totally authentic Jeep and one built up to look like one, doesn't mean I get any less enjoyment out of Jeep ownership. So good luck with your search, and simply smile when someone chooses to be critical of any aspect of your choice :-D
  21. Good job I didn't get into recovery work!!!!!
  22. Hmmm that isn't right either - the middle one is labelled right as you have shown it being pulled by spring hangers. But the lower one I still think should be same as middle, as forces must still be transmitted through hangers? :nut:
  23. No No No - you had it right all along, you've just labelled it up wrong Your middle pic shows the 1500kg on each front hanger but that should be pulling on the axle, not chassis. The lower pic should show the pull on chassis same effect as top pic?
  24. Oh crickey that's wrong too isn't it? The 3,000kg is shared between 2 hangars (gvenerally only one spring hanger anchors the spring, other one allows spring end to float especially on bigger vehicles) , so that is only 1500kg each spring hanger plus bogged effect :blush::blush::blush::blush:
  25. Well now I'm not sure about that, Cosrec - here's my take on it. Note by pulling on front axle you must be pulling not only force due to weight of vehicle but also force needed to overcome resistance of bogged vehicle - so certainly more than 3,000kg? Mind you I've been wrong before :blush: Anyway have a great holiday and thanks again for a very informative and useful thread :thumbsup: Keep it coming! [ATTACH=CONFIG]35545[/ATTACH]
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