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Richard Farrant

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Everything posted by Richard Farrant

  1. Thats it! Just as I remember.......used to have a lot to do on those gen sets. As a lot of these photos are not RA related, they could have come from one of the REME branches around Woolwich, seem to think Publications Branch was next to the Rotunda before it was pulled down.
  2. Hi Butch, I may well have worked on it there were a lot still in service when I started there..............but don't blame me for the problem :-D Reason I mentioned the thermostats was that they are of a ported design to direct the flow, and with them removed, I think it could have an effect. There were other engines with similar 'stats. Did this problem appear after removing them? Richard
  3. Butch, You did not mention the thermostat, it may be sticking, not much else that you can do. The petrol should not make that much difference, unless you were really working it hard.
  4. Hi Alan, Some interesting photos, keep them coming. The Bedford RL with small cabin on the back, came about with the demise of the last of Austin K9 Signals trucks. The K9 bodies were mounted on the RL platform and a special frame was fitted to the front to carry two Onan 3.5kva gen sets, which would have been in a trailer behind the K9 previously. The gen sets were mounted in a sliding frame to enable them to be drawn out for servicing. Later on these bodies were replaced with purpose built container body of similar size.
  5. I have been investigating the new rules for someone else on all this and can say, that a ex-military 4x4 truck with other specific features, could present a problem. Even if you paint it like a circus truck it would still not hide the fact as to what it is.
  6. Paul, The original material was Dunlop Trackmark and also used for deck covering on yachts and boats. Understand it is no longer available, but there must be a substitute, try boating suppliers.
  7. Hi Mat, There is definitely an Antar now in the Snowy Mountains area, it was seen at the Cooma rally last year, UK reg. no. XSK481 Take a look at this link; www.mapleleafup.org/forums/showthread.php?p=86635&highlight=antar#post86635
  8. Hi Ryan, Is that the one where it ends in Cameroon and the vehicle is auctioned off to the locals? If so you should seek advice, because it would be exporting a military vehicle under 50 years old, and Africa could be a touchy destination for it in the eyes of the government's Export Control department. Best to know this sort of thing now, before commiting to buy a vehicle. regards, Richard
  9. Bet you I was not .........been trying to get on this forum for ages.
  10. 3.7" Mobile AA guns, cocooned for shipping ?
  11. OK Jack, it appeared when my post came up, I had been trying to get it for a while but kept coming up on previous page
  12. Why is'nt Jack's post not coming up on this thread. It has been showing as "last post" for a while. Something odd going on as I have posted on another thread and it has dissapeared :confused:. All a bit spooky
  13. The green one is a Thornycroft Mk7, I have overhaulled these many years ago, for RAF Manston Fire School. The manual gearbox version was damned awkward to drive, due to the gear lever position, but we had one in with an Allison auto box, that was a goer !
  14. Same here, keep getting a message up saying HMVF server is doing a poo-poo...............hmmm, never had all these problems before the site was moved
  15. Thought it was too obvious........perhaps someone has had vacuum wipers on your jeep in the past, there are usually two taper blanking plugs in the manifold, one at each end
  16. Simple answer is No, you don't have to have a MV, but you soon will have one I am sure :-D
  17. Ludgershall was an A Vehicle Depot near Andover last I heard
  18. No worries Oily :-D....this was a bit off my subject area, just stabbing in the dark. Clive has a library of the most obscure military books and you never know what will be next.
  19. That one is from the REME Museum collection at Borden Camp
  20. Hi John, Funny you should mention that about a Dingo carb. I have been working on a Dingo, not used for a while, petrol was "dead" and smelly and it would not start, fresh petrol and away it went. Now my Bedford stands all winter and starts as good as ever after 6 months, on stale petrol, so I have come to the conclusion that some carb types can influence petrol problems.
  21. To amplify the signal for 4,000m when sea is rough and ship is rising and falling?
  22. Sorry mate, did not see it until I posted, done within a minute by the time shown. Anyway, neither of us may be correct,
  23. Below decks is the wireless room (?) and the mystery thing is an aerial ( top coil part) that can be raised out of its housing to use. :confused::???
  24. probably the same two that I earlier spotted coming from Lydd direction and following the low ground towards Tenterden
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