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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. More there than most turning up. I'd get it whilst it going!
  2. I didn't know Jack had a Russian cousin! He did take the bear out of the skin first though , did he?
  3. Welcome,looks like an extension to the club house hanger will be in order.
  4. Get a large plastic bag and throw in a fumigation candle. you can do the same to the Land Rover if you wish. :-D I once was nearly killed in a Land Rover by a spider. My passenger had a phobia of the things,. Taking her up Corkscrew hill at West Wickham and one came out from behind the sun visor. She ended up trying to get into my lap. Not that I'd normally complain, but the bus coming the other eway was worrying me.
  5. Olly has a good picture of vehicles in Berlin Brick markings, have a look round his site. He also does commisions of your individual vehicle. oli@ocook.net
  6. Tony B


    Intresting though that in the PC, helpful,world of love and peace advertising agencies go for MILITARY vehicles? How does a large rather suggestive lipstick on a Stolly boost sales? (What happned to that picture did it get lost in the great crash?)
  7. One pice of advice given to me before the D test by the examiner that helped a lot. Take a couple of Asprin an hour or so before test, avoids you tensing up so much. Good luck! Though you can always visit Poland and buy one. Frigtening thought after we go through to get any proffesional licence.
  8. At least he will find it much easier to bury his head now! :cool2:
  9. You sure you have that the right way round?:-D
  10. You are getting worse! :rofl:With this current 'Summer', I'll bet we see you lurking in feild entrances hoping a combine gets stuck so you can 'offer assistance'. :-D Ok so Lambo build tractors, but a REO has style!
  11. It would cost them entry fees. The last time I went down there, after the show, to help a friend pick up some kit, a couple of children, about ten or eleven insisted on racing about on scramble motorbikes sprying me and the Range rover with mud, when I very political incorectly told them I was displeased One little S*** comes out with 'My Dad owns the place'. So the attitude is set from the top. :argh:
  12. Tony B


    Ye GODS!! WHY do drinks companies insist on mutilating perfectly good MV's just to spread their evil influence over the great unwashed! :argh:
  13. Forget your camra and you will be DEAD!! Plenty of batterys and picture cards! Safe trip you lucky B*******
  14. Ducati? :cool2:Or A Lambogini?
  15. Proably be on the BBC before the week is out.
  16. Might know the project you mean. :cool2: Pathfinder articale!! As for asking which vehicle to model? Well, there are now a thousand + members here. so that's at least a thousand suggestions!
  17. Take a look at page 58, the wrecked Dodge, confirms the left hand drive markings in Europe.
  18. XXXXX Rated then? The new Blair witch project?
  19. Welcome, and while we are at it, why do Airfix produce a model of that Jeep machine, but not the hard working ever faithful Dodge!
  20. Apparently there is one other British vetran, but he lives in Australia.
  21. Three swigs and flat out? :iloveyou: I musty say our hosts, and most of the population of Ver Sur Mer were veeery genourous with the areas prize product.
  22. He proably had to be made catatonic to allow it to happen! :-D
  23. Proably a good idea getting someone like Michela to shave Jack. After all he is still a gentleman and wouldn't dream of revenge on a lady. :-D
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