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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. A flaming nightmare is the answer. Depends on age, seats , use. The Master's of all fate in this matter would be the Transport Commisioners.
  2. Keep studying Yin! The miner's strike history? Actually it was the 1980's. Ye God's!! A contempaory of yours is a Great War Re-eanctor, when the subject came up his teacher ended up handing the lesson over to him.
  3. God choice! I was there when they came over to Buggun Hill a few years back. As they were carrying pyros it was decided to keep to keep then overnight at an MOD site nearby. The queus that formed for everyone to have nose at them have become legandary. :-D
  4. You know your getting old..... When you keep droning on about the good old days! :-D Fifteen Yin? Ehhh lad 'twenn I were 15 I twas out at 4 am scraping the droppings of te road to put on mother's rubarb.............
  5. when minme were parked outside the flat, people used to give directions, 'Go up to the army trucks and turn...'
  6. If the vehicle is being used for hire or reward the minimum would probably be a mini cab licence. If more than eight seats you start into O licence territory.
  7. Didn't think straw was that heavy
  8. When the barber dosen't ask 'Do you want something for the weekend Sir?' Rather he's wondering whether you will reach the wekend!
  9. Maplin's were doing a multispeed multi tool by Everise, half the cost and twice the quality.
  10. When you see your pocket money toys at Antiques Fairs with £ signs folowed by lots of 0's. Oh the number of tin clockwork trains that got destroyed by 'Airstikes' involving a catapult while balanced on the garage roof.:noyay:
  11. I'll second that! I have a WC51 there are a lot of pictures and film that show them used for stretcher carrying. Don't forget the KD54
  12. Even non EU the shipper charges the VAT, and can be very helpful. I brought a K3 back from Jersey, to be told on importation that VAT needed paying before removal from dock, AH-HA! The purchase price wern't low, the shipper saw me hesiate and said'Would a value of say £200 be fair?' I promptly answered 'Yes' handed over £30 and went on my way.
  13. Welcome, another young strong back round the club house will be well worked.
  14. An Armoured Elsan? Actually that's what it is refered to locally :-D It is a funny little thing. It is a prefab sentry box. Originally when the gun pits were being cleared there was just an iron ring and a bit of concrete showing. The descion was made, as the crane was there, hook it out of the way. Quite a shock when the rest of it appeared.
  15. If you were horse you'd get six months box rest! Mind you you'd be living on Bran Mash! :shake:
  16. I rember the nylon Tiger tails Esso used to dish out tied round the filler cap. My Mum had one, when she then procced to drive her Singer Gazelle over the top of a hill, and got away with it! The blame was squarley put on the Tiger making a bolt for the wild!. After coins came the 'Free' glass offer. Collect tokens for your 'Free' Glass, make a set and be the envy of your friends! Except the fuel for the tockens cost about £10, you could nip down BHS and buy a set for about 15 shillings (That's 75p for the novices amongst us)
  17. So he drank the Tanglefoot, fell of the tank and got his snaffles where his Pelhams should be? Sounds like a good day Jack! :-D
  18. De Haviland of Canda Caribou- When I was a sprog visting my sister in Canda my late Brother in Law worked for DHC. The chief delivery pilot had a son my age,and used to smuggle us on delivery trips. Dackota- First plane I eevr sat in the cockpit off, aged about 4, happy days. Argosy- Flew horse in them mnay times One to avoid Bristol Freighter- Known as the Biff- Biffed you about all over the **place.
  19. Bit harsh! After all the British Army was the most mechanised in the World at the start of WW2. Considering evrybody including the Axis powers used British vehicles they must have been some good. Also the conditions they were manufactured under in wartime didn't help.
  20. No good if a nut is missing but worth getting. A good thraed file . Just got such an item, how did I do without it?
  21. The Weasel was actually a British design/invention. Geoffrey Pyke, better known for HMS Habbakuk, the ice aircraft carrier. The story goes he actually annoyed the Yanks by taking the original protoype over to Canada during the building of Habbkuk. He spent more time playing with it than the project.
  22. Yes, but I'd like a Hawker Hunter, maybe our Swiss friends could purloin one? The Swiss used them till quite recently.
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