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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I'd forgoton them! Familiarity and all that. Yes three modified and latterly one in original condition. rode on those both land and water.
  2. Suggest you may have got a short across to earth. That's the normal reason a gauge reads full over. Assuming the gauges are electrical?
  3. True Mike, the RAF made sure it never had the chance! La Capoule bunker also has some intresting archeology showing the effectiveness of RAF bombing. Grand Slam and Tallboy, to some extent, were originally designed by Wallis to Camouflot. That is bury themselves completly before exploding. The reasoning was that the explosion, confined by the earth would result in siesmic damage and a considerable distance from impact and the resulting cavity would cause the target to cave into it rather than be blown apart. I belive these were originally presented to attack large industrial targets, such as German Dams. He also designed an aircraft to cary them, called the Victory Bomber.
  4. Grief Gordon? Do you mean, cricked neck, back ache scraped knuckles, not to mention the embarisment of having to yell for help when you get trapped round the gear lever? Ah the joy of working under a Dodge dashboard! Still their not really yours till they have claimed some blood. :-D
  5. Like Mc Donald's 'Warning coffe may be hot'. When I look back.. :sleep:.... makes me wonder how I survived childhood!
  6. Don't our European friends ban cruise control? So saying during the petrol strikes some years back, I was in a filling station, they had LEADED in those days, and sold very little, great if you owned an old car. A very smart woman came in in a brand new Merc, demanding petrol. The guy at the counter said 'Sorry no unleaded left'. 'What's that then ' she said , pointing at the Disiel pump. 'That's Disiel' 'That will do, put that in' 'It won't work ina petrol engine' 'Why won't it work' By this time i was admiring the guys patience. 'Because it will damage the engine' 'So what? My husband can afford another engine!' The rest of the replies beconme unprintable.:-D
  7. OUCH! :shake::rofl::rofl::rofl:
  8. Now they are big! Wern't Tallboys also employed on teh V3 site?
  9. The good thing is the wiring is simple. Might be an oppertunity to put a discreet fuse box in the circuit. Are you doing front or back? Not had the problem, yet. You can make up a wiring harness quite easily, depends how 'original' you want it to look. One trick, if you don't know it. Label the original wires at the junction box and other ends. Then cut the old one out leaving the tags in place. Much easier than working from a bit of paper. PS tie a bit of string to any end you pull through a bulkhead or hole, BEFORE you pull old one out. Saves a lot of the Ozone layer from invective emissions!
  10. Oh lorr! More wheel marks on the club house lawn! Not to mention the 'mines bigger than yours ' arguments. Just when we 'd sorted the Ferret lot out. welcome in, if you can stand the jokes it's not a bad place!
  11. I wish Mike the best of luck! Even the VOSA website has a disclaimer saying 'Nothing here can be treated as Gospel'. So if the licenceing authority don't have a clue' what chance have the rest of us?
  12. The amount of 'junk' knocking about in the early sixteies I'm not suprised. I knew a Jeep half buried in a pile of earth at the top of Mont Fallu, where Broadlands is. There was also an unidentified German truck at the Garage just down for Red Houses. Syvret's Garage and Cleveland motors had 1 ton humbers as breack down trucks. There was a blue Jeep sitting for years outside a barn in St John's. Champs were used to push the mobile jetty out into the water at St Brelades bay for water sking. Most farmers had ex military trucks, Austin K3's, twenty five were shipped over in 1947 and used till the late sixties. Bedford MW and OY's all painted a light grey carrying potatoe barrels. A Green Goddess used at the Strawberry Farm as an irigation pump.The Jersy Drag Hunt and racing club had a SWB Land Rover series 2 painted in Benson & Hedges Livery as a tow truck, used to drive that. It also makes an apperance, without livery, in the film 'Neither the Sea nor the Sand. The Airport Fire Servcie had a Unimog at one stage then six, six wheel Range Rovers. The old Bedford M ambulance is over here now, still in Livery. Those are the ones I remember.
  13. There was a cartoon I saw once concerning a heavy truck half buruied in bits of paper. The driver was saying 'Now I've taken all the warning , saftey and drive green stickers off, I get an extra eight miles to the gallon'.
  14. Sorry Jules, there's nothing natural about driving a motor vehicle. Constant thought and concentration, and awareness of the damage you can cause, are the rquirments of good driving. If that sounds like a 'company' line, for all I bitch about them, yes, it IS a constant company and driver line.
  15. --- Texas Beer Joint Sues a Church In a small Texas town, ( Mt. Vernon ) Drummond's bar began construction on anew building to increase their business. The local Baptist church started a campaign to block the bar from opening with petitions and prayers.. Work progressed right up till the week before opening when lightning struck the bar and it burned to the ground. The church folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, until the bar owner sued the church on the grounds that the church was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, either through direct or indirect actions or means. The church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building's demise in its reply to the court. As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork. At the hearing he commented,"I don't know how I'm going to decide this, but as it appears from the paperwork, we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not."
  16. Don't know how long present owners have had it. But David has rebuilt a 2a Ex mil SWB.
  17. Tony B


    snowed most of the afternoon in London, nothing settled! :iamsmiling:
  18. Found on a child's toy, a spiderman glove which shot out a sort of string from an aresol. On the can of goo, 'Keep out of reach of Children' On the bottom of the wing tip light panel on BA 737's 'Instructions to open this panel are printed inside'. Marked on a rifle barrel 'Warning, Do not point at foot when loaded'.
  19. Now, a long time ago I worked for a guy called Ray Williams, who developed ultra sonic testing for the RAF. He used to slid the probe down cupro nickel brake pipe then insert the brake pipe in behind things.
  20. I know the Dodge T214 engine was copied, and Ford's were built under licence. That's why I asked.
  21. I think the Navy had the hump at the time. They were looking for a clean sweep of all German capital ships. :-D
  22. La Blue solliel, up at Leoviille. David and Lesley are open all year round now. Good thing, about ten minutes or so stagger from the Farmer's Inn.
  23. A Dodge would have been bigger! :-D
  24. and step one to the 'Golden penthouse tower'.
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