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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Three pices of advice given to me as a young sprog 1. Don't go in where you think you might not get out. 2. You got it stuck , you dig it out. 3. Four wheel drive can get into twice the trouble of two wheel drive.
  2. first aid arangements being taken seriously. There are certain air assets expected. :cool2:
  3. We just explode an atomic weapon over you then! :cool2:
  4. Mike surley if Force is measured by the Mass of the object multiplied by the aceleration applied to it. The faster the force applied to the mass better? Aceleration being the change of speed of an object over a unit time. i.e. 1 meter per second per second. Newton's 3 laws. An object will remain at rest or continue in a straight line at constant velocity, until acted upon by a resultant force. Force is equal to the mass of an object multiplied by it's aceleration To every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. The last one can be identified as snatching a object too fast, so a lot of force is applied. If the force applied does not over come the inertia ( the property of an object to resist a resultant force) but does exceed the breacking strain of the attachements, DUCK! A NATO hitch flying of the front is lethal.
  5. Welcome photos are always welcome here. Its like a world wide military subject musuem, new site.
  6. Have you found out what they are yet?
  7. I can tell you one to avoid. A friend has just got a Toyota Priese as a company car. First day he phoned me, nearly incoherent. It had taken him twenty minutes to make the Bl**dy thing move!. :-D
  8. So save the Pigion and launch Gnomes!! :-D
  9. I know a lot would argue with argue with that. Not Land Rover's best product. Car first 4x4 second, I'd say the Volvo or the Subaru have it to perfection. The VX70 and the forester also have the added advantage of fitting in car parks.
  10. when Vickers went out of British Service, the old controversey of would one fire a million rounds no stop came up. RAE and Warminbster decided to dispose of the old stock .303 Mk 7 rounds by finding out. apart from barrel changes the gun did fire 1000,000 rounds, and was then stripped and examined. the weapon was found to be in safe functional order. I've also seen one in 7.92 mm.
  11. British Army definitley going to the dogs! :-D
  12. Tony B

    Big ray

    Geting philosophical. Horse's never lie to you, even if they are going to kick you, they will warn you, if you are good enough to read them.
  13. Being soldiers, you can bet the wagons were loaded till there was no more room , regardless of weight. Why go into the firing zone more times than nessacary?
  14. Why 'even' a Skoda? The local police use them and reckon they are great, especially the disiel. Quick economical and comfortable. The little Fiat Panda 4x4 has ben getting great reviews. I took an early one round a cross country course, suprisingly agile. Last time I used the Range Rover with a 2.8 Isuzui engine, trouble was the vehicle would go up the slope, but when you met something stopped, it wouldn't park but kept slipping back! The only acident I came close to happening was due to ABS. I was almost at a standstill with one of the buses, a wheel locked at about 1/2 mph, the ****** ABS unlocked everything and let the vehicle roll on! Fortunatley there was room to swing away.
  15. Tony B

    Big ray

    I've bene involved with horses since age three. I'd have loved to talk to your Uncle/Brother.
  16. What about Operation Pedastal, the Malta convoy's? Plenty of scope for CGI and American and British participation, civillian and military carachters.
  17. It's the flaming job mate! take it easy and get fit.
  18. The early Disco's are coming down in price. I'm getting a nice solid one on an L plate for a grand. Car wise, My Volvo 850 estate auto was great in the snow. I'd seriously look at the VX or a Subaru. the Subaru legacy's are now down to sensible prices and are a beautiful drive. Funy enough, one good scource of cars round here is the locla scrap yard! They get ten fiftten year old cars from main dealears, that have been traded, in perfect condition for stupid money!
  19. The credit crunch was striking hard! Oh to have a time machine!! :-D
  20. Welcome, just crush your place in the club house car park.
  21. One question Gents! At that time it was about one horsepower for litre of engine capacity wasn't it? So what did the quality of POL's have on the milage etc.
  22. You'll enjoy it! .. Pastries...ummmmmmm.. go to Overloon Musuem and if your around the coast Middleburgh, greta camp site there http://www.campingmiddelburg.nl/ The whole area has all sortys of military intrest, and a great flea market on Mondays.
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