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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Rule of thumb: They will be kept in till the full peiod of incubation. Take as much advice as you can from the SCBU staff, they will give a lot of good advice.
  2. Gentelmen, you are overlooking the fact that the display is taking place at the Royal Agricultural Socirty of England show. England has was and still is, a net importer of food. Particullaly grain for bread making from Canada, and wood. There was a need to boost home production. For grain that meant using pasture and marginal land. For wood, well plant and wait say sixty years. The only timber about was old forest, in very difficult to reach places. Pit props were a startigic item, for the mines and the trenches. The only way this could be achived, especially with reduced manpower, is machinery. Again imports of agricultural vehicles were coming from the U.S. British manufactures needed to show their equipment was a good, in price and reliabilty and performance.
  3. Anyone know why it was conveted? Was it military or civillian.
  4. Yes, Two Land Rovers for a start! :-D
  5. Congratulations. My son was 16 weeks prem! The hulking great 6 foot brute is off playing with the TA this weekend.
  6. Question: When were the MkIV decleared obsolesent/obsolete?
  7. Just keep taking your tablets. :n00b:
  8. Hasn't taken long for Simon to start asking stupid questions! Yes please! See manage atachnents on the reply board.
  9. And a couple of a friend's Grandmother. Plus a VC 54 and one identified.
  10. Welcome Brian. Nothing wrong with a 'Plain Vanilla' Land Rover. Remember Vanilla is one of the most expensive spices!
  11. I like that diorama! It has a Dodge in it.
  12. Been missing this one. So to start. Katy WC54, K2 At Goldbeach on June 6th 65th Anniversary and my old 101 now in Denmark!
  13. Welcome Kevan, ambulances have thir only little niche here. We ought to start a gallery (Off to new posts!)
  14. It would come down to cost benifit. Are you going to get a second hand chassis , with all that entails? Or do you bite bullet get a new, and think about galvanised, LWT chassis built. Advantages are a straight Meccano job, off one onto the other. Disadvantage would cost more. Waht's the value of the restored vehicle, and what workshop facilities and personal skills do you have? The advantage of a new chassis , especially galvanised, it will be the Grandkid's problem next time.
  15. You talks to the people and you take your choice. My preference is Roadsure. I've bene with them years and have my 4x4 with them as well. My Son has gone with Footman James, they are better for young drivers. Fun will come in September when Dodge is due for re-newal and Katy will come on fleet plus (hopefully) the LWB Series 2a. Tom will be twenty three, lets see if the being fair to young male drivers plan works. Incidentally I have both male and female colleagues at work. We are all proffesional and I'd trust any of them.
  16. There is a story of a USN ship being decommisoned. The ship had been gone through from stem to stern nothing out of place. The crew had sweated blood. The Inspecting Officer did his rounds and returned to the bridge. He said to the Captain 'Did the crew enjoy their last meal of a Turkey dinner abaord?' The Captain was astounded 'How did you know that sir?' Inspecting Officer 'Because the cook left the remains in the oven'.
  17. Teach you to ask for ideas. You'll never finish it at this rate! :-D
  18. WANTED: For Genreral maintinence and repair work on military vehicles. One double jointed mechanical and electrically trained Octopus. Slim arms an advantage. Strength of Samason a must! Salary two packets of Custard creams and a tin of sardines.
  19. Welcome in , the rubber room for 101 owners will be open for your immmdiate use.
  20. I wish! I'd love to see it for real. Is there a way you could rig overhead black and white Enemy reconnasonce pictures?
  21. One on tow? A figure underneath? The tanker in the ditch would be a chance for the NFS to put in a guest apperance.
  22. To be typical of a gathering of MV's, there should be one vehicle with the bonnet up and a bum sticking out , plus a pair of legs sticking out underneath. :cool2:
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