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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Almost sounds like ti is firing backwards. Did any of the leads or distribitor get disturbed?
  2. Mostly the cap was worn on the slant. Although in many photos you see the nurses bareheaded. (I did a fair bit of research into nursing uniforms for Carol)
  3. Did you, thump, breack or bend something during the dismantiling, rebuild?
  4. Paint it silver then, and throw a few pink cushions in the back. Must admit I sold the most clapped out Series 3 LWB Safari, complete with dents to a bloke for £500. He put it on Ebay and got £2,500!!!!!! AND THE GUY PAID! :banghead:
  5. http://www.freewebs.com/29thfieldkitchen/armycookers.htm These things.
  6. Hasn't Chatham got one as well?
  7. I was thinking about trying to do feild repairs with a Haynes manual. The imagination has shut down in self defence.:nut:
  8. They are very similar in style. Halford's do their own version, but it is more expensive than the Ring.
  9. What's got into Jack? He's living dangerously latley.
  10. E mailed Ring for clarification on restoration mode. The reply: Generally you do not need to touch the recondition button. When the Smartcharger is in use it will automatically go into recondition mode if it finds it necessary. This may happen if charger finds high resistance in the battery. It will go into recondition mode to try break down the high resistance. After charging the Smartcharger will monitor the voltage and if it drops too quickly the charger will again go into recondition mode to try stabilise the voltage. The recondition cycle can take between 4 and 6 hours to complete. If the voltage is still not stable after this cycle it may repeat it up to 5 times. When the charger is in recondition mode the display will show a series of horizontal lines. On completion of the recondition mode the charger reverts to a normal charge cycle. The recondition button give the operator the option to put a battery into the recondition mode upon commencement of charging.
  11. Getting fed up with dead batteries, and needing a charger, I went looking round the details and talking to people who know. Eventually I have settled on a Ring Smart Charge 8. This has a battery check, desulphating setting, charges to 100% then floats. There is also a rapid charge setting. There is a larger 16 amp version, but looking at the specs for the battrey size I'm likley to play with it wasn't worth it. The main thing that decided me on the Ring is that it has a manual recondition button. So far I've left two dead battries a 65amphr and an 85 amphr on it. Both took about two days to get fully charged but they are now holding charge and uasable. Instructions supplied are as clear as mud, the only bitch I have with it.
  12. Unfortunatley unexpected events conspired. Safe journey and enjoy.
  13. Actually, they look very like Soyer cookers!
  14. A Dodge WC51, all you want in a military vehicle!
  15. Be also aware that virtually every Dodge has a flat spot. The revs dip slightly on acceleration, that can throw changes out.
  16. Yes I was. :blush: Fibre glass vehicles and electrics are a miserable combination.
  17. Welcome, asking here what do I buy? That should raise the temprature a bit.
  18. Ah celebrations in St Peter's that night!:-D Current Channel Island question on here is did the Mirus Battery ever fire in anger? www.pathfinderonline.co.uk I'm also after any information on the SS Vega's visits to the Islands. I have ben bequeathed a WC54 still in Jersey at the moment. In the back are two Canadian red cross boxes that came from Carol's family, probably in the last 1945 visit. I'd like to get the info togetehr to send Jack an articale for Pathfinder. There is also a lot of to and fro to the Western Front by various people here, so the RGR is also of intrest. The picture was taken at Auchonvilliers as part of the 90th Anniversary Rememberance of the First Day of the Battle of the Somme. You may recoginise the two flags in the background.
  19. Till the next Muratti! :cool2:
  20. Hi Rick, does this mean I'm being ganged up on? Again!
  21. I hope your Dad would have grinned at the thought of it. Try nosing around on You Tube. The training film for driving a Daimiler Armoured cars does still exist.
  22. Yes , I like the 'Future Classics ' question. Or in other words 'With all the old ones about , you can't afford a new one'.
  23. The Dodge will handle most things in top. As said the down shift is very slow speed and double de clutch. As for shimmy, check all the bolts holding rims together are as tight as you can get. If the tyres have been standing there wcould be a flat spot, also the wheels can be balanced by a truck place. Or just try changing bcak to front.
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