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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Especially as most of the time the fish win.
  2. Marked on some tube of goo in a Spider man glove toy. 'Keep away from children'.
  3. Ah the smell, quite correct on scource. That would be the mordicant. The chinese fighting suit was inded de rigour amongst the country set at the time. The other name was Husky after the major manufacturer.
  4. The RNLI musuem is the shed bay next door. A couple of dozen lifeboats through the ages.
  5. Watch it Rosie your living dangerously! I got slagged off because I took my son on a Phesant shoot when he was ten. He had winghed at me for weeks he wanted to go. He was handed over to the gamekeeper, who was an old friend, told to do as he was told and behave. He had a great day, learned the correct way to hold a bird, HEAD up! Show some respect the bird has given you sport. He was also allowed, under very close supervison to shoot my 20 bore at the end drive. The one thing I did insist on, he NEVER pointed anything that looked like a gun, even a toy one at anyone or anything alive! He seems to have turned out level headed and sensible though.
  6. Probably fed it to the wife first! :-D
  7. 30 odd boys of 15 standing in a draughty shed on the edge of Shotley Point, in January. All as green as grass and wet behind the ears. At the shout of 'STRIP!!!!!' from the CPO everything off and dumped in a plie at your feet. 'EVERY **** THING OFF!!! is reinforced by the CPO. Then line up and start a treck down a line of tables, whilst the female stores staff look you over and throw various bits of clothing at you.AHH the joys of Boy Service.
  8. You can buy a one for all ticket at most of the Chatham musuems, and the ticket for the Dockyard used to last a year. Did you visit the ropery? I must get in there soon, I want some synthtic hemp rope for a tow line on the Dodge.
  9. My son never saw me drunk! or his Mother! Mind you at twenty three he's had a few hangovers of his own! :-D
  10. OK put me down for two. :-D It is serious question though.
  11. Gents, may I put to you a piece of old wisdom as far as Ladies and Shopping are concerned? Lads, when your in a hole, stop digging!
  12. Welcome both, a real family forum here. We all get on like a house on fire (Ever seen a house on fire?:-D )
  13. All civvies, so a Bond Week promotion?
  14. Tony B

    What to buy

    Only £50.000. Thats about half a Ketttenkrad. :-D
  15. WoW! See what modern research can find out! :wow: Pity they have banned bike sheds. :cool2: Mind you I'd probably end up on some list now. :whistle:
  16. Don't worry it/you will, shrink stretch, turn inside out, get fatter, thinner put on back to front or losse odd parts, then it will fit! :-D
  17. Are you counting non runners? Would be a useful piece of info though considering all the $%^&!! coming from Goverment at the moment.
  18. Tony B

    What to buy

    Dodge Command car, to make the set amd a low loader. Preferably a bonneted Scania!
  19. Hey, I still have problems dealing with people in German WW2 uniform, even if they are friends. Don't nessacarily knock someone who will admit prejudice.
  20. I'm going to be down that way next week at the RE musuem. Perhaps I should book a test drive? :cool2::cool2:
  21. How did we survive? Full cream milk forced down us at school. Night games with St John's Ambulance, eating sandwiches after mucking out, and not washing hands! Cor, we were tough in dem days!:-D
  22. No its a cunning plan! More humane warfare, the enemy laughs themslves to death!
  23. Treat like a boat. Add an extractor fan and run for few minutes before starting. The gas is heavier than air, so a few discret holes can solve the problem. Storage of gas bottles when NOT in use are much more strict. They must be kept in a container with an open bottom drain below the bottom of the tank. Gas being drwan into a Disiel engine is very very spectacular. Adds a whole new mwnaing to Flying Boat.
  24. Natural fibre! The original Sidcot suits and some Barbours were made of a cotton than expanded in the rain to become waterproof, the original breathability.:-D
  25. Hate to think of you suffering! I will therefore, casting all caution to the wind, for the sake of a fellow forum member, herby volunteer immidatily to take over your onerous duties!
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