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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome Kevin, your expertise will no doubt be called upon.
  2. A minmum speed limit on UK roads has to be set by an act of Parliment. The sign is a Blue Cirle with White Border. The only place I can think of locally is the Dartford Tunnel, minimum 10 mph.
  3. I think I may have found the answer to the front width problem. Went into my local suppliers Robin Hood and they had two lenghts of 24 LEDs. They are 240mm long and on a flexible light back. Cost £6.00 each. The next is to experiment how to mount them. First idea is that I have some magnetic mount sign paper. I use it to mount Div signs on. The LEDS are light enough that would glue on easily. Either in a straight line or possibly to bend into a circle. The other way may be vertical on a stick? They are extremly bright for there size. There are also red strips that may well be an addition to the back. They are discret enough that they would mount below the back line of the vehicle . I'll try some experiments.
  4. In some ways the European regs are ahead of UK, must carry light bulbs and first aid kit, warning triangles and now you must carry Hi Vis vests for all in the car. It's something I've done for a long time but I'd recommend it. Emergency vehicle sservices also sell a relay kit to alternate the headlights. Though that one may upset the local law men. I've noticed funeral convoies using the American purple couolur flashing lights. Does anyone know if any legislation covers flashing beacons other than red, blue and amber?
  5. I had a useful thing , bought I think from a pound shop. It was a large pice of orange reflective plastic with a warning triangle printed on and BROCKEN DOWN VEHICLE in large letters. It suckered completly over the back of a Safari Land Rover, wish I knew what happned to it. a similar sized sheet over a canvas tilt whilst moving? I like to travel with the tilt sides up, as the Dodge is a LHD it improves my visibility at staggered junctions. Sat navs can be proggramed to FORBID motorways. Something that has come to mind is a couple of high intensity push bike lamps clipped to the outer edge of the bumper at night.
  6. I'm thinking of customisng my trail board by painting the white areas with reflective paint or binding the area with reflective tape. LED or other bright bulbs as well. The other problem with older vehicles is that the headlights are not at the width of the vehicle. There are nasty narrow lanes round here, so what do we do about the front end lads?
  7. Does make you wonder how you survived childhood doesn't it? Old civillina gas masks and the kiddy one with the flappy nose were found everywhere in the '60's.
  8. Frankly mate, I don't give a monkeys about the shape of the reflector. I'd put a *** lighthouse on the wagon if I thought it would help. Though aparently road deaths have gone down in the last year. I try to avoid motorways if at all possible with the Dodge.
  9. Dear Sirs, May I make my position positivley clear! I do not need the Forum to make me a CHIMP, as you all well aware, I can do quite nicley in that regard on my own! :-D
  10. Deepest condolences. The Citizen's Advice Beaure can give you basic help for free. However Probate can be a right pain. Normally the legal expenses will paid from the estate. You can also see if a local solicitor does what is called the 'Green Form' scheme. This gets you £50 of advice free. Though in these things a lot depends on your relationship with the Solicitor. If you don't use a solicitor as a matter of course, recommendation from friends is often the best way to find one.
  11. I'm going to hang a trailer board over the back. Any objections, well I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six. Coming back from the RE musuem, on the A2 Number One Son, following me in a MODERN Discovery was run off the road by a Polish Artic. Fortunatley the verge was low and the Disco coped with it. I've towed 25 pounders with flashing amber beacons, warning triangles on the end of the barrel and a high intensity red light in the middle, still had people go under the barrel, try to go bettween the tows at roundabouts, and ignored the long vehicle warnings to overtake on bends. Drive as if everyone else is out to get you.
  12. There is one smaaaaal problem! The Gendarme's carry BIG guns, and have major sense of humour faliure over un licensed metal detectors. As for getting said licence, easier to walk back acros sthe Channel. :-D Mind you go digging in some of the lcocal barns! Oddles of lovley stuff, including my two 1943 dated jerry cans that are sand colourd (And always have been)
  13. There getting worse! :clap:
  14. Memories of a certain XXXX larger advert come to mind. :-D
  15. :pfrt: http://world.guns.ru/smg/dk/madsen-m46-m50-m53-e.html
  16. So what would be the winch co efficent for a laying down camel, laden, on sand on a flat surface? :-D
  17. A nice Land Rover Series 1 86 0r 88 would fit the bill niclesy.
  18. I do know the civilian versions had an enviable reputation for suddenly busrting into flames. The Daf Varimatic drive is an infintily varariable drive. Actually very relaible. Didn't Volvo take it up afterwards?
  19. The only WW2 vehicle I've ever seen that makes an issue out of ground pressure is , yep, the Dodge. That is only in the media hype, it says that ' The Dodge has less ground pressure than a camel!'. Dosen't say wether it is an unladen camel or not though. There are jsut so many variables in the question. Suspension type, load, tyre type, pressure, and most importantly the nature of the ground itself. In WW1 when tanks first operated oficers would walk in front tetsing the ground with walking sticks.
  20. The RN were still issuing Housewifes, normally pronunoced 'Husswuf' in the 1970's. Any ship carries limited stores so you were expected to do repairs. In fact a RN afternoon off was reffered to as 'Make and Mend'.
  21. There is another advantage to a Pacemaker. You don't have to go through the metal detector arch at airports so can take anything you like on the plane. :-D
  22. As long as your fit and healthy mate! As for HGV/PCV medicals, the last one I took I was told I'd have to be on blood pressure tablets for the rset of my life! Ten minutes later my blood pressure had dropped 25 points! Why, I hate Doctor's surgerys!
  23. The Marsden SMG is often used in films.
  24. From about 1902 till 2009 apparently!
  25. Weird people on this site sometimes. :cool2:
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