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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Careful!!! I used to work for the man! :-D
  2. The thing about a lot of fity, sixtes and some seventies is that actors like Richard Todd and Errol Flynn, did actually serve. Also the advisors on things like 'Longest Day' and Bridge to Far were the people who had been there and done it!.
  3. Just thinking the Clubhouse must cover about 6000 acres by now. With golden turrets carpeted air conditioned workshops, the 'Pig' pen the Ferret enclosure the DUKW pond, not to mention the palatial Bike Sheds. The topics apart from vehicles cover everything to do with military history, yes and the polotics, equipment from detasiled discussions on mugs and boots the intricaces of RRB60 ignitions. Where else can you get such a spread and tap to the world of knowledge. Thank you Jack. You may have opned Pandora's box, but the forum proves there was hope at the bottom.:tup:: Forgot to add, not to rest on his laurels, Jack then comes up with Pathfinder on line!
  4. Tony B

    Big ray

    Said to a young girl in Tesco's petrol station the other day 'When I started driving petrol was 35 p a gallon'. She looked a bit puzzled and said 'Is a gallon bigger than a litre?'.
  5. Chris, the big complaint of a lot of us is that the films DO NOT stick to the history. While Blackadder goes Fourth is extremley funny and exquisite satire, it is NOT HISTORY!!!!!! Yet every time I attend a Great War Event, some muppet comes with the 'Wibble' comment (No disrespect to anybodys Avatar! (PC, thinking of others feelings etc..etc) A history teacher proudly told me he uses Blackadder to teach Great War history. He couldn't understand why I walked away crying and vomiting. Watch most films and there is the weasealy little phrase 'Based on'. :angry:angry Not a new argument though. When Bridge on the River Kwai was released a lot of vetrans kicked off about it.
  6. One thing about WW2 British kit, is who wore what when. The first thing that went out the window was 'regulated pattern issue'. Not to mention feild improvisiation and private bought kit. (Not a lot changes really:D) At least at that period the Goverment had the excuse 'There's a War on!'. If you look at pictures from the feild, uniforms and kit vary tremendously.
  7. So what's new? You been letting Jack near the buttons again? You know what the say Jack, 'Act in haste, repent at lesiusre'.
  8. Hey Bill, welcome in, at least with a half share proves your only half mad. :-D
  9. What? Have you been away? Nice to se eyou back.
  10. Intrestingly the only German PRU photos of the Normandy beaches was achived with an Arado A234 jet bomber. The Allies didn't even know it was there.
  11. So it would save you using a machette as well!
  12. Our favourite on baoatyard vehicles used to be used engine oil.
  13. Don't despair! Two out three condensers are ***** usless from the start! My suggestion by an electronic from Frank Jolley fit and forget. The whole engine runs genrally better, no constant silly niggles, cures the Dodge lurch. Check the condition of the Distributor, information can be found, here: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/CHAP3.PDF
  14. Those look to be identical tyres! I keep forgetting the USA was far more advanced in terms of vehicles at that time. Didn't have the rail network.
  15. Screwfix also supply similar.
  16. Possible date for next year then! Nice to see some organisers still appreciate it costs us to take vehicles to shows.
  17. Yeah, but a US gallon is smaller so not that cheap. :whistle: Looking at the pnumatic tyres, tractor tyres such as that didn't come in till about 1932, so the trucks must be getting on even then. Wonders of the internet. The 20 cent price for fuel comes in at 1930.
  18. Just a thought. Is the heat sheild for the fuel pump in place?
  19. The rubber soles were often stick on placed over the leather soles that hadn't had nails knocked in. You know of course never drink out of a chipped enamel cup. The SBR should be type 4 up to about 1941 then type 5. Note also DO NOT ever try it on. Better to tape up the slots. There is asbestos in the filter. You have Bren puches on the webbing, this is agin later in the war. Early issue were the small rifle pouches. The Bren pouches would go with teh No 4 rifle.
  20. If you still have some protruding head left, soacking in release fluid and judisicous tapping with a wide cold chisel still has it's place. Halfordfs do a good Advanced range set of stud removers up to 12mm. They work well on rounded nuts if you can get them to fit. All depends on how much room you have. A nut splitter screwed on can give you something to put a bar over.
  21. Mug should be the red/brown version! :nono: Wandering about with a big WHITE target on your back? :shocked: Drivers had rubber soles on the boots, not nails. The SMLE No 1 was used mostly in the Desert and Far East, though there are photos of units armed with No1 in Europe post D-Day.
  22. Alderney is a fascinating, sometimes chilling place. The only Nazi concentration camps on UK soil, the only part of the UK ever bombarded by Her Majesty 's battleships (HMS Rodney) contact C.I.O.S. as well, they will give you more info.
  23. With the 'NEW' Pneumatic tyres! What date the picture?
  24. I wondered how many vehicles were visitors, the IOW is a hellish expensive place to get to, sadly.
  25. If they have been standing about the compressors have a nasty habit of filling with a gungy foam of oil and water. like yellow Sn*t.. Strip and clean and it all works agin.
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