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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. They might want to, but would have no legal basis to do so. If the weapons bear the proper Proof House marks and the owner can show good title, the Police are bound in law to return the property. The only fly in the ointment is if Insurance has paid out on them. Title would then repose with the Insurance company.l
  2. Her Majesty's Royal Navy's reply was 'Eat more to make it fit', or 'Go on a ***diet then!' If anything did fit off the peg, you worried like hell you'd become deformed! :-D
  3. Is also recorded as fitted to machine guns. Initially a whole range of telscopic sights were fitted to various American rifles, including what are described as 'Copies of German sights'. The US Marines, as usual went their own way from the Army. Checking the name of the manufactrer thay still are involved in optics.
  4. It looks more like the sight off a Springfeild sniper rifle. Unfortunatley I have lent the book with the details to someone. Don't recognise manufacturer though.
  5. Always assuming you can get them to start. Don't shed tracks, and the 3rd morgatge for the fuel goes through.:-D
  6. Much more fun on the side roads anyway. Don't plan to rush , try at least once for a night drive, with the top off. Take plenty of teabags the French stuff is nauseating!
  7. I did a fair bit of hunting about on this subject some while back and came up nadar! I did hear a story that following the election of a Labour (or in US eyes Communist !) goverment post war the US were unwilling to supply parts. The British Army did use Dodges during the Korean War and in India, which passed to Indian forces on Independence and in Malaya.
  8. Yes it is a unique beast. Mine came with the wagon. It is a substancial bit of kit.
  9. So now I know who to blame!!! :angry Your Let's get ***** and walk in front of buses event on Saturday night was a great succes! More like playing skittles than driving.
  10. Dosen't need to be that fast. Most high loads fall over at very low speeds.
  11. Welcome Paul, from the sound of your Grandmother, you are the one who may have problems keeping up! :-D Ask her to talk about it, we all love genuine tales of those who built worked or used the vehicles for real.
  12. Across flats, internal, 2 and 5/8 inch 5 inch long. If you print at A4 size should come out 1:1
  13. I've just got mine out. It's an eight sided beast marked 916083 dd cd ev. I can measure and send dimensions if you wish.
  14. Can't think of anywhere off hand. Nothing seems to come up on internet search.
  15. Welcome in, there are some mast owners here who may be able to help.
  16. There was one at Headcorn for years, any idea what happned to it?
  17. With L plates then?:cool2: Want's to be in the front line next year?
  18. That looks like a REME version. I belive some had a front jib.
  19. A friend of mine loaded his van with a lot of commercial wood working machinery. Including a tin box of damm great router wheels. On the way home the wheels rattled in the tin and got on his nerves so he took them out that night when he got home. Following day he was stopped for suspected overweight and taken to bridge. The vehicle was about 16 kgs underweight. Guess what the tin weighed?
  20. God made the great outdoors! And Bill Gore made Gortex! Just be ever so thankful he 'ain't coming over in winter!:shake:
  21. WHAT???? End of the World as we know it. I'm looking for....., ask Sabre.
  22. Nice wagon though, practical and diffrent.
  23. Tony B

    Cheer up!

    Who put sour milk on your cornflakes then?
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