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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. That's the problem. An expensive couple of miles of water.
  2. Bet Rosie will be out offering tea and biccys, just to be nosy. :-D
  3. http://www.fylde.demon.co.uk/fraser.htm This may intrest you. No Man's Land Group would know who to contact.
  4. Mad, completly barmy, more barking than Battersea dogs home, the bricks concrete, even the planning permission short of wall!! So ! Can I have a go? :-D
  5. Welcome in Robert. You should find some like minds here.
  6. The Gipsy was a lovley vehicle to drive. The best bit was a near indistructable gearbox, far superior to any Land Rover has ever produced. That and the reliable 2.2 BMC series C engines. The Disiel version was real workman's tool.
  7. Hang gliding a new sport for you then? :-D Or was the intention to land it in the neighbour in revenge? :cool2:
  8. Ah , welcome in . Must get down to Camberley again soon.
  9. Welcome in, just shows you can never have enough toys.
  10. Brilliant! An odd thought some years ago, and now back where they should be.
  11. Dodge! Sensible size versitile and sooo much fun to be had with one. :-D
  12. Hi Olaf! Send me a PM with adress, I've some pictures you'll like! This is one. They came from a album a lady brought to a show for us to see , and she allowed me to photgraph them!
  13. Welcome Shane, you'll find a lot of like minded here.
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