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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Have a look at this. Phil's 24 hour old aquisition. 1939 12 hp Wolsey. The paint has never been touched. Still goes like a rocket though. It had been converted to run on gas at some stage with a roof bag. The fittings for the regulator etc are still attched to the inside of the roof. :-D
  2. If I see you in the club house bar in a dress suit with a stupid twizzle moustache , BE WARNED!!!! I will not be responsible for my actions! Nor will many other members. There are parts of British TV that are just not suitable for viewing by sane persons!:nono::trustme:
  3. There are variuos holes, if you mean the ones in front of the push handle, that's where the handle clips over the top for transport, and for the dolly wheels to swing up. The other joy in the **** rain and mud, is trying to get the wheels back on the launcher and the support legs up and locked.
  4. Better than leaving a caravan on the mirror! Mind you Sons can be just as bad. As when mine had to move a land Rover three feet and nearly took out my Dodge WC51!!!! I was stuck to the spot and speechless, so he had time to run.
  5. Well, I've been very virtuos today :angel: I calmly and gentle persuaded a friend not to hammer his new aquisition , a 1939 12 hp Wolsey. I was extremly persuasive...right up to the time he let me drive it, then we decided to show it to friend's...then go hammering up the M25 to Godstone to an event....then his wife called him in for dinner! :cry:
  6. Yeah I've been having problems logging in as well.
  7. All got there then? Tony had the exhaust falling off the Model T pick up. :-D
  8. They can be fun enough just to hang on the back of the launcher.
  9. Thats part of the problem. Aquiring vehicles is excstacy. Parting with them Agony.
  10. As a hobby it keeps you sober and stops the use of narcotic substances or visting Houses of Ill repute. You never have the time, or the money! :-D
  11. I've a lot of female colleauges! So I couldn't POSSIBLY comment! :-D
  12. Just to be awkward , there are two lengths of Dodge engine. Ones 23 inch long the otehr twenty five off top of my head. But at least the engine compartemnt is the same . Any chance you can keep the 4x4?
  13. Learn to bandage horses, puttes are easy! :-D One point though, make sure the tension is even alll the way around. If you get a ridge it can cause ireparable damage to joints .
  14. I'll have a look for my old one if you want. It's sitting doing nothing. There might be one on Katy, she is getting a Frank Jolley special as well.
  15. If the leack is miniscule, there are some good pour in sealers available now. I'd only consider that a hold over though till you get a rebuild.
  16. My laptop gives you a choice of area codes.
  17. It's the old pre 1960 comercial etc.... The best people to ask are your insurance company, they are normally well clued up as to why they can't insure. A driving instructor might know. DVLA will probably depend on who you get at the time. Might be worth a written enquiry though, then if they say yes and you get strop in the future wave the magic paper. Theres the page: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/WhatCanYouDriveAndYourObligations/DG_4022499 The WOT's definitley aint cars. Also under 3.5 tons gross, no problem according to the wordage.
  18. Lead? :-D Forte do an Advanced Gas Tretment. Good stuff to wash out a vehicle that has had stale fuel in. You can add direct to the bad fuel, I prefer to drain where possible put in a couple of gallons of fresh and add the Forte. Though I've known a Broquet Catalyst that had been in a vehicle with fuel left standing for several months. The fuel smelled OK and the vehicle ran OK on it.
  19. They will acept currency or a money order. Takes about 4 to 6 weeks. E mail first and they will check whether they have the exact record or only close. Fortunatley for me my two exact records exist.
  20. From the neck down is the easy way. Stops them even thinking about hacking!
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