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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. It's a semi synthetic oil, and damm good stuff! I'm running my Dodge WC51 on it. Much better at holding the pressure up after a long run.
  2. Not only on the Eastern Front, the treatment of Russian military and civillian prisoners used to build the Atlantic Wall happned on UK soil. The Island Alderney also had four concentration camps. Nordeney, Borkum, Sylt and Helgoland. The mother of friend of mine used to hate the sound of wood being chopped. When she was a child her bedroom was adjacent to a hill called La Route De Fancfief. The prisoners were marched up the hill to work at about 5 am every morning. Those that had anything on thier feet, had wooden flip flops or sandals that echoed off the road. There are also authenticated stories of those who died during construction of the fortifications being cemented into them. The Orginsation Todt, were known locally as Greenfly, due to the colour of the uniform and they were a pest.
  3. The WC55 is a lovley piece of work. Something to deal with all the Ferret's running about at the moment?
  4. Actually , I would speack in praise of DVLA office at Sidcup. Took a total of ten minutes to get the paperwork sorted for Katy. I just need to go back with a chassis number MOT, hopefully tomorrow and the insurance certificate. Depending on the office the may accept the VIN number to give you a Q plate, then sort out later.
  5. Eh how to put this politley? No Chance mate!!!!!!! :-D I'm going to do an articale on them, I need to do the research for the story board. I do how ever have a Garand M1 bore brush and cleaning rod kit that is looking fo a good home. I'm looking to get rid of some stuff and replace it with more medical related kit. I've also an American radio and 4 feild phones up for sale swop. I'll let you know deatils.
  6. Quite a number of Ambulances in the Great War were private purchases. Though strictly the term Ambulance applied to the unit not the vehicle.
  7. Welcome, more Dodges the better! Though wern't Fords your vehicle of choice?
  8. 6 volts needs twice the ampage as 12 volt for same wattage. So as it is the ampage that causes A. The heat, and B. is the amount of current, and it only runs on the surface a thicker multi core cable will pass more power much easier. You can always double cable it for the same effect. If you can get it Lift control cable is superb stuff, thick but very flexible, makes ideal jump leads.
  9. I've been having head banging problems with a 6 volt battery latley, charger reading one thing, meter another and battery doing it's own thing. Get a Hygometer, that is the definite test on what state the battery is in. 13.2 is not a bad charging voltage, but what ampage is the battery taking?
  10. If you tried going down to the British Sector of the beaches, and then look in the hedges and barns.... :whistle: Its amazing what British kit turns up.
  11. I have to admit, I had to look that up. Something English people really don't understand is what it means to have an armed invader in your country.
  12. :shocking:This is a family forum yu'know! Now Clarkson should be packing in anticipation of a fast departure.
  13. Theses two Red Cross parcel boxes are quite rare. To start with, they were not issued to Prisoners of War, they were issued to British Civillians. Both boxes come from the SS Vega and were delivered to Jersey in 1944/45. The boxes were issued to Carol's Grandparents, and have not left the Island till now. The Canadian box is one of the common ones, the other main suplier was New Zealand. I'm hoping, but need to do more research that the Scottish one is an 'Invalid box'.
  14. Not more EU baggage!! I'm still toiling through the 35 hours for CPC! :yawn:
  15. VERY IMPORTANT: It is not only De-Ac firearms require a proof mark! A modern weapon, and any weapon capable of firing any of the .22 cartridges fits the requirment, and will require proof marks. I know from experience that firearms that have spent thier time in the military may come out with out Proof Marks! If the firearm is then passed on or sold in UK, with out the marks, you are very deeply in it! Again the Proof houses can be very helpful and will arrange the firearm to be proofed. Not every country Proof Marks so if you are importing, be careful!
  16. Welcome Mark, a big project, don't forget to post pictures.
  17. Note to Rosie: Knit Jack a six foot long balaclava!
  18. Notes on the bottom of a de-ac certificate Please Not: (A) This certificate is an important document: it should be retained by the owner of the gun at all times. (B) The main componets of the gun to which this certificate relates have been marked with a Proof House inspection mark: Theses marks must not be removed or altered. The proof house herby certifies that work has been carried out on the firearm described below in a manner approved by the Secratary of State under Section 8 of the Firearms (Amendment) Act 1988 for rendering it incapable of discharging any shot, bullet or other missile.
  19. The wind was blowing a 7 ton bus about like a leaf this morning.
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