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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. The other important comment by a lot of tourists was 'Oh look how well the country works!'. Bear in mind the go between that got Germany the licence from Vicker's to manufacture Maxim guns under licicence was the Rothchild family, French , Jewish Bankers. Rather ironic really. Following the Great War, France nearly had another reveolution, Britan was bankrupt (Again) and more concerned with trouble in the Empire, and the US had come out of it's isolation and fancied an empire of it's own (I'd argue still does) but had hit a major depression. There in this world of despair was one beacon of light, a bright shining diligent, progressive organised and contented country! Germany! Given the social and political attitudes of the day if Hitler had stopped his annexations in 1938, he'd probably count amongst the greatest poloticians of the twentyith century. Now that is a scary thought.
  2. Just to stop arguments, I'll take both! :-D
  3. The old Solway jacket! No longer made apparently as they would be to expensive!
  4. Ray, I'd argue the First and Second World war were continuations of the Franco Prussian war. 1870 to 1871, that started Prusssia off on expansion. Bismark then said to the rest of the Germanic states, 'Let's form a nation, and before you say you and whose army, look out the window'. End result the German Empire, with immidiate plans of expansion, France- The previous 'Bad man of Europe', humiliated and resentful. Britian feeling threatned, and away we go! Following the Great War, Germany was destitue and humiliated. Also take into acount the influence of The German Army in polotics. The majority of the male population had been in the fighting. The concept was growing that the German Army had not been defeated! It was those wishy washy DEMOCRATIC POLOTICIANS had sold out the fighting man! The military and aristocracy then needed a stalking horse, and obliginly up popped this hair brained little failed artist, Called Adolf Hitler, just what was required! Any time he got too above himself the army could knock him down. However Hitler wasn't that stupid, as soon as he was able he used his political position to put the Army down, and the rest is history.
  5. Maybe a joke about Jumbo Burgers may be in bad taste, though fired onions could improve it.
  6. Maybe time to remove all breackables from the bar? :-D World War 2 and the subsequent Cold War histories are in some cases masterworks of Orwellian propoganda. From the Nazi menace and our support of Good Old Uncle Joe, to the front line in defence of the Red Menace Germany hasn't had much chance of stability, bear in mind Germany has only been a recognisable one nation for about 50 years or so of it's history. Judge the Nazi regime by the horrors it commited and deplore. A lot of those who taught and influenced me were subject to the Nazi Occupation, but one thing they did teach me was think! If you are going to hate something, have a good reason! I totally agree the explotation of the symbols of Nazisim for profit are wrong, but before condeming those who voted, bear in mind the conditions prevalling, most of us would do anything , regardless of the law of the land to protect and feed our families. Similarly, a closer study of some of the asasinations atempts reveales anything but Patriotic acts for the good of the people.
  7. That's what the forum is for mate! :-D There are people running both MJ and Dafs so they'll fill you in.
  8. A friend of mine his Grandfarther was a German Communist, who fought at Kursk, on the Russian side! In 1945 due to the Russian attitude he and his crew changed to Wermacht uniform, went over the hill and surendered to the British. Apparently it led to some tense moments in the POW camp. Though to be honest a lot of the older folks in Jersey said the German Armed Forces were OK it was the hangers on like Organisation Todt that were the A**holes.
  9. Do a good underjob of paint to preserve the vehicle, then add a top coat of 'Proffesional Distress'. :-D Military reasons to paint a vehicle. 1 Protect metal work 2 Camouflage 3 Looks.
  10. Welcome in. Problem with a 101 is they were built as petrol. They aren't like other Landys belive me! :-D As you already have the ticket a nice MJ or Daf?
  11. Not only Europe! Oil filters for a Dodge from specalist dealers in the region of £12, from my local factor, 'If you want three or four we can do £2.85 inc vat each, they've been sitting about a while'.
  12. Then Concorde was desined in a 'N' wind tunnel, at least one QuinitQ still has 'N' equipment in use. A lot of 'N' equipment was used in the design of the British Nuclear weapon. But it still a touchy subject. England Wales and Northern Ireland were not occupied, neither was the USA. Though I happily wear Flaktarn shirts, I'd not be comfortable wearing a WW2 Geramn uniform.
  13. Tony B

    Big ray

    Used to buy them by the Dozen for gate posts and to make cross country horse jumps. Wish I'd laid in stocks now.
  14. The Navy had a blue version, they started to de laminate quite rapidly.
  15. Bloody hell! When I was a Nozzer they were must have kit!
  16. A lot of FT17 were stripped of turrets and these used for static, the running gear was also converted to SP guns. One entire Panzer battalion was Ft's, can't remeber number at this time in the morning, they went to the Island's and were the only Panzer unit never to see action. There may still be one under the ground in Gurnersey, but local landowners are making survey dificults. (Possibly some Messerschmits as well?)
  17. You know you can go right off some people! A few years back a wooden SAA box cost the MOD £25 each. There is a very precise specification for the wood.
  18. Tony B

    Big ray

    Do you know the cost of rail sleepers nowadays? A local place has them for sale £25 EACH!!! Pass the crowbar!
  19. Yes the Army Service Corp had a steam road coloum and the Artillery used them as well. http://steamtraction.farmcollector.com/steam-engines/steam-tractors-power-behind-first-motorized-armored-vehicles.aspx
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