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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. You only make models? Wish I could! Welcome in.
  2. Bet the builders of the various coastal forts are turning in thier graves.
  3. The measure was of Grog! 1/3 rum 2/3 water. Unless you were Teetotal, or in boy service. Boy service got half, if you were TT it was signed alongside your name in the Ships Book and you recived 2 shillings a week (If I rember corectly) 'Sippers' was a Force barter, favour, that meant giving your ration to an Oppo. Stopped in 1979. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pusser's
  4. Does look like a sample bottle. I'm used to ones in a tilt frame. They go in upside down then flick up and fill when they ar a set depth.
  5. That's why we had compulsory Military Service in the Island since the 13 th century. However it was only for service on the Island, or to aid the Monarch if they were a prisoner, or to help them regain the crown. The oldest organised UK military force? RMIJ! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Jersey This is the last time they tried it! Do you know the frog eaters were acussing my kinsman of being PIRATES!!! :mad: Nope they were proper Privaters! No good Jerseyman would do anything except for the money! :kiss:
  6. They tried it in Jersey in 17th century. Got chased off in twenty minutes by the Lt Govenors's Butler . They'd had the temierity to disturb his master's breackfast!
  7. Though it may be the owner is worried about theft? :-D
  8. it's when they send the tow truck the fun starts! :-D
  9. Hi Simon, which pice of rock? Regardless we need to remind this lot who owns them. :-D
  10. Tony B

    Airshow 197?

    I thought it was my imagination. The Bucc's were so low the dust could be seen forming contrails around the wingtips.
  11. Says him, hugging himself at the neurons his little puzzles are driving crazy!
  12. Just got the DVLA tax demand through for the Disco. Intrestingly at the bottom of the page and I quote:' FROM 18TH NOVEMBER 2012 VEHICLES MANUFACTURED OR REGISTERED BEFORE 1ST JANUARY 1960 WILL NO LONGER NED AN MOT'. So the vehicle dosen't need to have been registered pre 1960 but MANUFACTURED.
  13. Looks very like the emergency lighting extending poles mounted on the top of vehicles.
  14. There is a technical query about working hours, and rest periods. Rest is defined as time in which you can do what you want. If you have been at paid work, the day job , then drive at weekends for your own use, then are taking required rest? I don't belive any case has ever come to court, but it is something to be aware of.
  15. Now the thought of you watersking behind a Stolly, I think I'll go for a lie down. Welcome in.:-D
  16. Tony B

    Airshow 197?

    Ahh but for a bonus point! Do you know what 'National Security Secret' was revealed by the Torrey Canyon disaster?:cool2: Oh, you do! Yes it was the revelation that the British Miltary had Napalm! The stuff had recived very bad press during the Vietnam War.
  17. Thanks for clarification. What's the oldest Lee Enfeild you have then?
  18. I notice the one with the cup ;auncher has bound woodwork. Very wise, the Ballisite cartridge had a reputation of splitting barrels. Any of your traning rifles use the Long Lee bolt?
  19. Excuse the Drool, it is a fantastic collection and I'm as jealous as hell! BUT don't I notice some Lee Metfords in there? :cool2: I have a number 2 .22 Lee Enfeild, at least that's what I'm told tracking it down is proving diffuclt, also to repay the US compliment a Mossberg 42a. Wasn't the US srvice rifle the Springfeild 04 a Mauser copy? Aparently Mauser sued the US for Pataent Infrigment , and won, so during both wars whilst useing and manufacturing the 04 a royalty had to be paid to Mausuer (You couldn't make it up!) I have shot a number 5 in Jersey belonging to someone I know, wasn't nice to shoot, not because of recoil it just didn't seem to fit as well as the No1 or No 4.
  20. You know some people can get right up........ My FAO would have a fit If I wanted that lot!:wow: Got any .22 rimfire ones?
  21. Why not go the whole hog and change to an electronic ignition? Tht's the best investment I've made in my two Dodge, 1 x6 1 x12 volt. I've fitted Frank Jolley's ones , fit fire up and forget.
  22. Put a rubber tube onto the brake nipple and place it into a glass jar, fill the jar with some fluid and place the bottom of the hose below the fluid level, before you open the nipple. You can also buy kits for this. Then when you open the nipple and push the pedal and release the air is not drawn back into the sytem, so you can do it alone. If you have second person pushing the pedal, release nipple with pedal up and shut with pedal down. Always use a ring spanner or proper brake nipple thick spanner and be careful they can round off or worse still shear quite easily. Always bleed from the furthest wheel cylinder back towards the front.
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