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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Not so much sold but just reached the end of her days. An old Series 2a Land Rover Safari. My son (about 4 at the time) was in tears.
  2. Only have to look at the price of Ex Military 3 Land Rovers. When they were cast withams were selling 10 for £500.
  3. I notice the doors stayed off!
  4. Welcome, I wish my French was as good as your English.
  5. Welcome Piotr. Any collection is impressive. Post pictures!
  6. Sounds very similar to a rather bizzare signalling method used by the British in WW2. A person who has had a catarct operation, removal of the lens of the eye becomes responsive to UV light. Aparently such people were carried on submarines to pick up agents who could signal their position using UV which is normaly invisible.
  7. Depends on condition, and if you have any provenonce for it. I know one off a Zeppilin was recently valued by Graham Lay of the Antiques road show at £12,000. The look on the face of the guy who'd brought it was a picture. He'd been keeping it stuck in the shed!
  8. Otherwise known as Silent pickets. They were a Great War invention. Rather than make a lot of noise and attract unwanted attention, bashing in a standard barb wire post, the Silent Picket hasd a augur shape at the bottom and a serous of loops up the shaft topped with a round ring. Insert a lenghth of wood into the top and twist into the ground. P.S. Known not to stop tanks!
  9. Shooters are normally cheaper as only certain people can own them. De- Ac's anyone can own, so they are worth more. Also same as with a lot of MV's, they 'aint making them any more! My Dodges have virtually doubled thier market prices since I got them. Watch prices jump next year with the intrest in 70th D- Day and 100th Great War.
  10. Bet everyone blamed the bus driver. :-(
  11. My Austin Gipsy. Still hurts to think of it.
  12. 70 years ago the Goverment was panicking the country coulddn't feed itself so asked Farmers to improve production. In 70 cycles of production the output per acre has soared. If industry had done as well we'd rule the world!
  13. The Royal Navy bought bog standard Land Rover 2a and 3 station wagons. I drove an 'Official' Nissan Primera. Wether you like it or not the Military and other official para military units use civillian vehicles. MODPlod use everything from Discoverys through Citreons to Isuzu and Subaru. So did Military Police. The point is what makes them military? The paint work! The show organisers CHOOSE to have fun fairs, so what's military about that? You are there so the organisers can make money.
  14. Lincon battries. Good srvice quality kit. http://www.lincon.co.uk/
  15. I can see Olaf's point. In most 'Modern' scenarios you will see local hired or civillian vehicles with everything from Stick on signs to a pice of cardboard in the window as markings. If the vehicles are mixed with some obvious military vehicles, they would be in context.
  16. Fuel system cleaned, added super unleaded fuel from another scource. Away both went! I think I'll keep some octane booster in the kit in future.
  17. Packet of large mint sweets on way! :-D Apparently Bookies 'aint happy, that was top name.
  18. I have a Ring Smartcharge 8, brilliant bit of kit. I also have a Lidl 6/12 volt intilly charger cost £13.99! That is also a great bit of kit.
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