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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Surrey was the type name of the vehicle. A 4 wheel horse drawn carriage or this:
  2. All you need now is a squad of Guinea Fowl for recce purposes, may be as ugly as sin but call at about 150dba! :-D
  3. Miltary use of space exploration? Actually firing as she flys, could lead to some intresting readings. Newton would be spinning in his grave.
  4. Any chance of talking nice to Audi about the rest?
  5. Or the other two making inroads of the High Street? :cool2: Wonder what thier management make of Sainsbury exporting products?
  6. OOH, now there a whole lot of discussion and arguments! :cool2:
  7. England , Wales, Scotland and Northern Island wern't Occupied. Does make a very different mind set.
  8. One side stuck resulting in the whole thing swinging to an angle and shooting the old tyre out?
  9. Small but *** heavy! It is easier to take the entire selector fork mechanism of fthe top before trying to remove as it catches the floor of the cab. Yes it can be done with cab in place. I'd securley prop the back of the engine and if possible have a platform raised up to drop the box onto as it comes off. Spocken to an expert. Remove compressor. Release gearbox mount and bell housing bolts. Whilst box still on engine rotate through 90 degress to clear floor. Re-insert same way.
  10. You must have a big back yard! Nice pile of stuff!
  11. http://khaki-on-campaign.webs.com/ http://www.sofmilitary.co.uk/ Two suppliers of reproduction uniform.
  12. I'll see if I can find out where repros can be got from.
  13. To much of the Blackadder Effect. Now everyone will know about the Christmas Truce, with no depth of knowledge. To me the presentation, lighting and emotions it trys to induce is similar to the John Lewis's Monty the Penguin. It is intended to catch the bored viewers attention, to intrigue them into watching the expensive thirty seconds or so , and finally hit them with a commercial message. Litteraly to cash in on the Nation's emotional preoccupations with the Great War. Let's face it it wouldn't work any other year. As for the 'Story behind the advert' Who really cares? The object is still get cash out of the customers pocket, and if we can appear helpful, responsible and caring. that goes down well with the social economic class we are after ie get 'em out of Waitrose.
  14. As a famous director of films and the RSC once told me 'If you are looking for creative work, watch the adverts. People who make them only get paid by results'. So while I admit it is well made, I am not impressed by the whole concept.
  15. Wish I didn't have such an active imagination. :nut:
  16. Go to bed without supper! :shocked: This man has the World Record for carrier deck landings, over 2000 and flown more than 400 diffent types of aircraft. He said this morning the US didn't like him holding the deck llanding record so appointed a pilot speciffically to beat it, the guy got to about 1600 and had a breackdown.
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