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Nick Johns

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Everything posted by Nick Johns

  1. Its the spring that shuts the valve, if the valve is not shutting properley there is low/no compression, the engine may appear to run fine at low revs but a weak inlet valve spring will cause the valve to bounce at higher revs so its not closing entirely, hence the compression will blow back into the inlet and out of the carb
  2. When you did the valves did you fit new valve springs? old valve springs are prone to losing their tension and often break, a weak inlet valve spring would cause the popping back through the carb, I don't think this could be anything to do with timing, the engine would have to be so far advanced it would be pinking even on a light throttle
  3. I owned your Dodge for a while a few years ago, found it in Linconshire, it had been a bit neglected. I think we decided it was probably ex Norweigan Army, A Dodge chassis number is stamped on the vertical face of chassis just ahead of the N/S/F shock absorber, the number is also on the V5C reg doc
  4. That Dodge has had so much done to it it'l be good for years to come, but its alway advisable to carry usual spare ignition parts...just in case, its usually the modern repro electrical bits that can fail
  5. A DVLA search shows Mack FP 4626 was first civilian registered in 1947, which is when it was most likely bought from the Military by a local authority and converted/used as a snow plough
  6. Alas a little late perhaps for an answer now... this thread you were reading re. the Fordson WOT2 was an old thread that ended 7 years ago from back in 2009 !
  7. Yes there is a reason, the foot operated starter switch linkeage also engages the starter pinion gear to mesh with the flywheel too
  8. My Dodge was converted to a key start so there is that type of starter that fits, but don't know from what?, try John at Midwest military in the US, sure he will know
  9. And false signals triggered by crated Jeeps and Spitfire parts buried there too!
  10. It always is amusing to see a similar rebuilt Jeep at a show with a description board of spiel about how it landed in Normandy in '44... dah de dah,... then ask the owner which part of the Jeep actually landed there!
  11. Think the Daily Mail just made up the story using info/pics about Westleton ROC Post from the urban explorer sites, its well known about, there are several reports/pics online http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/underground-sites/32633-westleton-roc-post-jan-2016-a.html#.WDavfJL4NRk http://www.derelictplaces.co.uk/main/roc-posts/32418-westleton-suffolk-january-2016-a.html#.WDaxo5L4NRk All ROC Posts are listed here http://www.subbrit.org.uk/category/nuclear-monitoring-posts
  12. Isn't it the same as a ww2 T84 g/box crossmember?
  13. Alas not much originality its been rebuilt with lots of new repro parts, a new Hotchkiss engine and a new reproduction body
  14. As in the above pics, Series E Morris 8 have 6 stud 17" wheels http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/morris-series-easy-clean-wheel-166952081 http://picclick.co.uk/5-x-Vintage-Car-Wheels-and-tyres-From-232056810957.html
  15. Essex HMVA have announced their Military & Flying machines show will no longer be held at Damyns Hall airfield, but will be moving to a new venue for 2017 https://www.facebook.com/mfmshow/?hc_ref=NEWSFEED&fref=nf
  16. That is a very old thread from 2009, the person who posted it is no longer active on the forum
  17. It could be a Canadian built Ford?woody estate, Military desert version, only a few now exist so not much chance of finding one to restore, these type of military woodys are now Very rare and valuable
  18. Again the most logical step would be first to enquire what records or information exists at Bovingdon re. the excavations and discoveries made at Dorking, I would think if there was any possibility of other known complete tanks located on the site and feasable they would have been recovered by now
  19. Lots of ideas on how to recover the tanks, But no one seems to have thought why are there tanks allegedly still buried at Dorking?, reports at the time imply the "other" tanks were dug/investigated and reburied, but why did not the Tank museum dig the others out too at the time? ..one can only assume they were found to be incomplete hulls/parts, and not worth recovering or inaccessble due to buildings/farm activities etc built over them
  20. Reminder, Entry forms in by 7th. November for free entry, otherwise pay on day at the gate
  21. Yes looks similar to my Dodge D11 staff car propshaft
  22. If its only standing for a few months rather than years a diesel engine is probably just best left alone, unlike a petrol engine, running it up stationary for a short time will probably do more harm than good. Put the battery on charge occasionally
  23. The bunker was up for sale http://www.propertypilot.co.uk/pdf/169+14111632.pdf
  24. Speedometers are like clocks, complex delicate things, your likely to do more damage to it trying to fix it so best left to a speedometer specialiststs to repair it, or find another speedo
  25. It was pretty sad too the decision to discontinue the Military vehicle day too, it always brought a big crowd in
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