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Everything posted by guy66

  1. With this nice weather I have been playing again with this trailer. Now the big challenge is to rivet everything together.
  2. Some extra work on the trailer, started to reassemble some painted parts back on the chassis of the trailer.
  3. Here we go again on the trailer. chassis and parts back from the sandblaster and strait into primmer and top coat.
  4. Trailer chassis and parts of it are with the sandblasters and normally I start spraying this week if ready . Will need to update my post on the trailer restoration tread! Guy
  5. Looks great Ian, will be a nice piece of kit after one of your vehicles. Guy.
  6. Hello on my trailer project you can just see plug parking socket.I just made again a start on my trailer after some work on different projects. Guy
  7. Hello Ian, long time since last post! Yes I do recognise some of the bike gang, we had a great time over there ! Guy
  8. Bedford QL in use as a drivers training vehicle in the Belgian army
  9. Just some paintwork before we left for Normandy, now it was not done by Walt Disney studio's (mickey mouse)! Guy
  10. Marnic will be there with his 3HW.
  11. Great construction , where there is a will there is a way. Keep posting updates about the QLT. Guy
  12. Marnic made a you tube film from are trip to Normandy. Guy
  13. Niels , tray to contact Ron Pier on this forum are there is also a lot information on the BSA M20 website. Ron is an expert on WD bikes! Guy
  14. For sure the parade at Port-en-Bessin was great and the quality of the vehicles was so special, thanks Marc for organising this remembrance. We had a bit off a show of with are Bedford QL's, long time that we had 6 in line with one Austin K5! Guy
  15. guy66


    Yes Richard we know about the pipeline close to Etreham and by coincident have a picture on the same spot. Guy
  16. It looks very match like the special service brigade sign (anchor, thompson and wings). Number 58 is from 45 royal marines commando go served under the 1st special service brigade.
  17. For sure we had a great time in Normandy, on the Sunday we walked the Commando march again. The QL in use as troop transporter to the beach for are walk from Hermanville over Pegasus and then to Amfreville.
  18. DR on convoy duty, friend with his Triumph 3hw directs a convoy on the right road. Normandy 2014
  19. In one line 6 bedford QL's and one Austin K5 after the liberation parade in Port-en Bessin on the 7th of june 2014.
  20. Hello Tom, where are you staying in Normandy? Guy
  21. Looks really good Ian, and now the beach stencils? My Bedford is almost ready, still have to change the engine oil and some camouflage on one side of the tarpaulin. The Triumph 3hw had also some service but now I have to find a simple way to get it in to the rear cargo, it is high....:help: Guy
  22. Ian , my by we can have a ride to Ver-sur-Mer and visit gold beatch living history group camp! From where we are it is not such a long drive. On the campsite there will hopefully be other lorry's that want to join on are run. Should be a nice picture, a convoy of British trucks. Guy
  23. You can be right about the top of the canvas Paul, I have seen pictures with the top of the canvas in black. But I think I will leave it as it is (think I will need to match paint to do the complete top). But you have a point about the black top. Guy
  24. Hello Ian great to have it as a beach group truck, if you see pictures and newsreels about the first day's after D-day most of the 4 ton general service trucks where Austin K5's! Looking forward to have a spin in are lorry's in Normandy. I still have some work to do on the bikes and also a bit of maintenance on the QL. Guy
  25. Looking forward to have a convoy of British trucks in Normandy, will you bring the trailer axle with you Ian ? Guy.
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