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Everything posted by MHillyard

  1. yes there were 2 series. it was removed from UK TV early because of masses of complaints or historical inaccuracy regarding the fact that they are american and there were no Americans in the LRDG
  2. I was amazed at the range of equipment that was used. There are what i think are M7 Priest tanks, halftracks with raised bonnets and what look like Boys anti tank rifles. The goggles look like modern safety goggles! What do you think?
  3. Get it at a carboot very cheap, looked possibly military. Does anyone know if it is or not?
  4. Not really sure what it is for, it looks as though something may have bee attached to the middle
  5. at around 9:00 today there were around 3 or 4 Land-rover Defenders and a Pinzgauer all with trailers on the A12. Probably still in military use
  6. you may be able to make out the number on this welbike in RAF use
  7. I found the link: http://www.scribd.com/doc/52184026/Inter-Service-Ammunition-and-Ammunition-Package-Markings-UK-1948 Not sure if the download still works but any problems downloading i can try emailing it to you.
  8. A very interesting book, i found it in PDF format a month or so ago. I can find the link if anyone is interested or i can email it to them.
  9. Lots of photos here if you are interested. Not sure where they are from http://www.primeportal.net/tanks/daryl_nightingale/churchill_crocodile/ and this one in Portsmouth http://johnsmilitaryhistory.com/armorbritcroc.html
  10. That is very similar to one of Eisenhower's jeeps which had an extended rear also with mud guards
  11. I dont think so, they have been bought up at the bottom at some time, heres a few more pics first two are of the adjustments:
  12. Was given these for free at war and peace a few years ago, i have no idea what they are for. My guess would be US army but i am not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. America also made a fair few. My No4 was made by Savage Co USA. It has US Property stamped on the side of it
  14. i guessed that they were not British because of the writing
  15. And here it is on the Coward review: [video=youtube;-HnpDJT_gQ4]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HnpDJT_gQ4
  16. I just bought one of these at Jacks in Colchester for £1.95, nice t-shirts. don't know if they are military or not. Just thought i would share
  17. MHillyard


    I have seen what i think are civilian models with an XX number before so it may be a civvy version. There are other ways to see if an engine could be a welbike one. Where the decompresser plug goes (opposite the spark plug) there should be a "Blank" with no decompresser, here is one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Welbike-Decompressor-Plug-WW2-Para-Folding-Motor-Cycle-Parts-Accessories-/170768360711?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item27c2966507#ht_500wt_1413 I believe the original carbs were brass, the civvy ones were either plated or another metal. On the carb, the srewed on top, if it is a welbike one, should have the grip in a XXX formation, on the civvy ones it was just straight lines lllll. Carps are quite often replaced so it is fairly normal. Also look for remains of brown or green paint on the engine as the engines were painted in the factories. Try looking with a torch or someting behind the fly wheel, that is the only place where paint remained on mine
  18. heres a few more: This appears to be a ww2 pigeon trailer
  19. MHillyard


    not sure if it means much of anything but a lot of engine casings and parts etc from mine had the number "57" stamped on it
  20. MHillyard


    I have seen a few mk1s without contract plates, and they were definitely original. There were also no holes for the rivets. e.g. i think this one didnt have a contract plate I have also seen mk1s with contract plates: http://www.harko.at/welbike/
  21. MHillyard


    i believe that pretty much all welbikes were fitted with engines starting with XXE before the number
  22. Here is a couple from my collection...
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