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Everything posted by timbo

  1. I am probably a week or more away from starting this job but thought I would ask anyway. I am hoping to use a recon engine for peace of mind. When fitting I am assuming I will need oil, coolant, and will probably put a new fan belt on while I'm at it. Anything else I will need to think about. As I will only have a day or two from start to finish I dont want to ge there and find Im missing something..! Cheers Timbo
  2. Just added mine...self explanatory I think...!
  3. Great pics thanks for posting.. Coincidentally a wading screen is for sale on ebay at the moment - don't see that very often - did you ever use them in anger.? I would imagine the S tank had a bit of trouble trying to target two Scorpions scampering about...or am I wrong..! I think the Scorp looks a lot nicer without the front bins that were later fitted.
  4. Welcome mate. Nice collection of Yorkies building up now..!
  5. Welcome stuart A fine choice of pics featuring god's own AFV the CVRT I see..!:-D.. Timbo
  6. Oh boy do I have shed envy!!! :-D
  7. Sorry bob couldnt resist it!!! As you say not far behind..good story though....
  8. Bob Not seen the story before nor read the mag it must be your age mate..! Cheers Timbo
  9. Can anyone confirm if this is the case? I have once again restarted the restoration of my narrow track and need new shoes..? Thanks Timbo
  10. I think I can see at least 4 series 2a's..! Lovely - wonder if they can fit as hand baggage..!?
  11. LOL Robin By complete contrast I am short and weedy and therefore prefer the Sabre.. I haven't done a lot of driving in the Spartan yet, but since putting the smokes on I am finding I can barely see out - I am consider asking the mother in law to upholster me an extra pad for the seat - failing that will just have to be a flowery cushion..! Cheers Timbo
  12. Nice vid thanks for posting...of course everybody knows they are scimitars dont they??
  13. timbo

    Tick bite

    Gosh im glad I started this thread..! No nasty effects as yet other than slight swelling behind knee. Sticking religiously to course of antibiotics though..
  14. Mate if you found a Striker tight you should try a Sabre, esp with the seat up and scope in! Plus you have the joy of cracking your head on the chain gun every other time!! Robin i would love one of these but have too many projects and too little time as it is... Cheers Timbo
  15. timbo

    Tick bite

    I will see if I can upload it - will lighten an otherwise depressing thread (for me anyway!!!!)
  16. I have a Striker with later headlights and also no wading screen bit, and front bins fitted. This is how it came from service. It is deffo still petrol - at least it is now as it has a new J60 in it..! Not sure how many Strikers were dieselised - have seen some pics of diesel ones but not many..
  17. Not got a ferret but would thoroughly support the recommendations of Marcus and Richard. Top blokes both!
  18. timbo

    Tick bite

    Ok just on train now on way to work, it is all out, antibiotics for 2 weeks, then back in 4. Go back straight away if flu like symptoms develop..fingers crossed. To top it all i went over the bars on the downhill stretch as well, but did manage to capture it on my new helmet cam! Thanks all for advice... Timbo
  19. timbo

    Tick bite

    Well I'd better take that advice then Rosie!!! Have spent years walking and biking through wet grass and never thought it would happen to me - but then nobody ever does do they...
  20. timbo

    Tick bite

    Mountain biking in Lakes this Sunday and have just found one on back of my knee...b*gger b*gger bl*ody b*gger...!!! Checked my legs for them when I finished but this was behind my knee so didnt notice it til it started itching tonight. Also pulled it out before realising what it is (big nono), and have felt a bit fluey for last day or so (but now thinking it is psychological!).. I will keep an eye on the bite for the next day or so and get some antibiotics if symptons persist....never thought this would happen to me so if out walking - check your legs people!!!!
  21. timbo


    Ahem...guilty as charged... I rationalise it on the basis that a)she has limited interest in the hobby b)this is my worst secret and i am sure there are plenty of middle aged men out there with worse ones..!
  22. Oh the irony..! I now find myself in a position where i need toswap the engine out of my spartan in a very short timescale, i will try to remember to take some pictures for this thread..!
  23. BBC website suggested he was injured but survived which is quite amazing when you think what he went down. To my untrained eye it appeeared that the recovery driver was moving out to the right to negotiate a left hand bend but went too far?
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