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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Very impressive mate almost seems a shame it will be a gate guard but far better than scrapping...
  2. A big beast - that Chieftain looks diddy by comparison..!
  3. Thanks for the edit - thought it was just me...spent 5 mins staring at it trying to work out how it could be a conq...!
  4. Robin I think you are probably right that most people just clean and paint them. Having looked inside one mid rebuild I think it would be highly inadvisable to open one up unless you were desperate.. I have heard tales of David Browns in Huddersfield (the mod supplier) being prepared to overhaul them for private individuals but at a cost of several thousands of pounds... Have pm'd you re an individual who may be able to help.. Cheers Timbo
  5. No worries mate - no offence taken..! I was a bit surprised the tv company weren't able to rustle up a real warrior though, given that they must have had access to lots of other mod kit for the reconstructions shown on the night. Maybe just there wasnt one available at the right time and place.. On a very positive note a vehicle which hadn't moved for some time is now up and running and on the button, which has to be a good thing..
  6. Chaps The vehicle is in the care of the AFV Society hence the need to avoid drilling any new holes or doing any damage. It had not moved for a few years but the tv company were looking for a warrior lookalike as no real ones were available. So the fuel system was overhauled, new batteries fitted, the cupola removed and a redundant fox/sabre turret fitted on top with a dummy rarden. There are some brackets to hold the turret on, and then tie downs under the cam nets for extra security. It was originally in three colour camo (indonesian i think?) but was blasted and sprayed for the occasion. This was all done in an extended weekend and from all accounts it runs very nicely.. Although it clearly isnt a warrior to anybody who knows anything i dont think it is a bad representation to the untrained eye. I noticed on the programme that they didnt really linger on shots of the vehicle so maybe they were conscious that it would be picked up as an imitation! I also wonder if the mod didnt miss a trick by not using redundant stormers for the new scimitar 2?! Cheers Timbo
  7. Well done chris - virtual chocolate orange segment en route to you! Although in retrospect i should probably have disqualified you in advance! I can also confirm that no vehicles were harmed in the making of this film - only original bolt holes were used for the brackets to hold the turret on hence the ratchet straps...
  8. Hi recymech Can see where you're coming from with that but no the vehicle featured tonight is slightly different, although does bear a strong resemblance to Scimitar 2... Hoping the footage actually made it into the final edit of the programme now..! Just out of interest did you talk to any of the guys crewing the new ones? What do they think of them? Cheers Timbo
  9. Folks If you watch the military bravery awards on itv1 tonight you will hopefully see a 'new' variant cvrt in a cameo role.. Cant say too much as yet but a virtual cadburys hero will go to the person who correctly identifies the component parts first...! Sorry Robin im guessing you dont get itv over there but will try to post a pic or two for you after the event! Cheers Timbo
  10. Love it mate well done fume extraction could do with a bit of work though! LOL timbo
  11. Andy Brilliant! Now im really jealous - not been over the 'pass of the cattle' for many years. About 30 years ago my old mans Hillman Hunter expired about 2/3rds of the way up fully laden with kids, dogs and luggage for our summer holiday in Applecross (VERY long trip from Coventry). Both the Hunter and the old man are long gone now but i still have very fond memories of the place, and am determined to get back there with my kids soon. Cheers Timbo
  12. Rob Keep up the good work a light dusting in huddersfield but nothing more as yet... At least it will pay for more toys..! Whilst a 4am start wouldnt be great all i seem to get to drive these days is a desk so im still jealous..! Cheers Timbo
  13. On a separate note Jon, who is something of a dab hand with J60's, also told me that he had rebuilt the engine to produce more bhp, as the original prototypes would have done (220ish I think?). Having seen the speed it went round the arena, I can well believe this as it was like the proverbial scolded cat - and I guess the lack of armour probably helps too...
  14. Robin It is Jon Penton's as you correctly state. The problem turned out to be a minor one but served to emphasise the somewhat unique nature of some aspects of this vehicle. The rod which connects to the forward/ reverse selector turned out not to be a solid rod as on production CVRT's but a tube with relatively thin walls. It had fractured in the middle presumably due to fatigue. Being unable to find a suitable length of rod to hand, I provided a long bolt which we removed the head from - we then screwed this into the two ends of the tubes, and punched and drilled two small holes through which split pins could be inserted for security. It seemed to work faultlessly after that. I know Jon was at some point planning to replace this with a proper piece of threaded rod, but I actually think this was quite an elegant solution, given that all we had was a bolt, hacksaw and 2 split pins..! The work was mostly done by Lew who has been building and repairing CVRT's for (ahem) a very long time, and it was a pleasure to watch a master at work...especially when you have a beer in your hand to help the thinking process... Cheers Timbo
  15. I thought it must be the giant ice skate...!
  16. Erm shouldn't they be heading EAST to Withams...?
  17. LOL Rob but so true, so true I just went back on ebay and bought something I had decided against thanks to your comment..! Only wish I had done the same with a CVRT A frame a few years ago when there were dozens of the flippin things around...
  18. Mate is that a turret ring at the back of the shed if so what from...? Nice truck though! Cheers
  19. Hi trevor I dont have any pics and it disappeared off marcus' site a while ago but my recollection is that it looked very similar. How many of these things can there be..?! Keep up the good work by the way great site..! Cheers Tim
  20. Hello val As already stated it is worth what someone will pay but if youre looking for an asking price i would suggest £5k would be too low but £10k probably too high. Anything in between should do the trick...! Good luck Timbo
  21. Iain Was this the one Marcus Glenn had? Looks like some good progress already being made on parts collection! Good luck with it.. Cheers Timbo
  22. I think sirhc had some of these or knows a source. surprised he's not been along yet...must be on hols...
  23. Hi matt hope youre well and the ferret is coming on! Marcus glenn does the engine blue.. Cheers Timbo
  24. From Wikipedia: " This vehicle was from s.SS Pz.Abt. 501, with hull number 280093, turret number 104, and has a comprehensive coating of Zimmerit.[49] It was claimed by Sergeant Roberts of A Squadron, 23rd Hussars, 11th Armoured Division in a Sherman tank near Beauvais, although it had already been disabled and abandoned by its crew following damage to its tracks and final drive.[50] There is a well-known photograph showing this vehicle after its final action in a beet field with its turret turned 90°.[51] This vehicle is currently on display at Bovington Tank Museum. It lacks its engine." If i remember rightly the vehicle sat in a beet field for some time and a few other passing tanks took shots at it, just to be on the safe side (well you would wouldn't you !!)..
  25. Spoke to the owner again just now and he is going to send me some more pics including some interior shots so hopefully he will do it this time !! I will post under a resto thread although progress is going to be slow due to toher commitments (and it is a big beast !)... Cheers Timbo
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