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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Good idea.. A rum looking lot, although one of them looks decidedly pleased with himself..!
  2. A couple of pics of progress uploaded on behalf of the owner...he was too busy lovingly filling pinholes in the finish!
  3. Welcome mate that's another one from god's own..!
  4. Still a good read though and fascinating to see all the time and money wasted while poor old cvrt's soldier on long after they should have been enjoying a cosseted existence on the show circuit... Ho hum at least i will be able to get road wheels for a few more years..!
  5. Could it be the same vehicle as post no 10 since repainted? Looks like quite a similar setting..
  6. Robin I thought all Sabres were fitted with the later indicators on conversion? It just looks odd because the front bins have been 'liberated' - not unusual as they are often a consumable item.. If you see a Scorpion with new style indicators it is a sign that it has been retro converted - it has happened apparently ! Agree about the thread great response didnt realise there were so many of the old girls on gate duty.. Cheers Timbo
  7. Maybe i missed it but only the arv was in the sale wasnt it? Is there also an avre there?
  8. Bazz Do you know where the york one is? I work in york and would be interested to have a look sometime. If it is Fulford Road it certainly isnt visible from the road... Robin i know of at least one more, a scorpion, built up and painted for an unnamed raf base last year. Will try to find out more.. Cheers Timbo
  9. Wow awesome pics thanks for posting! Those hst's look better than i was expecting. Oh, and those are some BIG wheels!
  10. Robin As i say not really my bag but i have just noticed it has cvrt front bins mounted above the rear door. As for the diesels in withams from what i have seen are all pretty bare, so if you did get one i think it would be a long slow job to build up, unless of course you converted them back to J60, in which case if anybody wants an engine please call... Cheers Timbo
  11. Actually thinking about it are the bins on the left side of the spartan stormer related...?
  12. Ok here's a starter for ten on the Spartan. I will leave the 432 to someone else as they're not really my bag. Odd looking two stage turret on the top - did this start out life as an MCT version, bottom bit is reminiscent of striker bin? Extra bins on left side, not sure what from but no doubt somebody will id.. Also looks like a diesel which would be unusual to see come through withams, but they do seem to be selling anything and everything at the moment..! Cheers Timbo
  13. Rip a true hero... Apparently the local post office is named after him!
  14. My s3 lightweight delivered in oct 72 has dbg as base layer on quite a few of the components in the window channels etc.. It is now green and black and will be staying that way.. I also have an ex afs series 1 which i hope (eventually) to do in dbg..
  15. My dad had a maxi, and im afraid it was a truly rubbish car...he sold it and bought an orange lada which in spite of the mickey taking was much better, flippin good heater too....!
  16. Blimey looks like something from one of those aeroplane disaster documentaries.. I should hang onto those bits though Jon you never know when they might come in handy..! There must be some unwritten law that says one week after you have binned the piece of junk you have been hoarding for years you find a perfect use for it (or is it just me?)..
  17. Looking forward to seeing them on 2nd june in york for locomotive naming 'Battle of Britain Memorial Flight'... Hoping to get some veterans along to it too...
  18. Jack I think the state of tune was very different although i am sure there would be some interchangeable parts. If you think this thread is good you should get jon round the campfire with a can of beer at 1am..! Cheers Timbo
  19. I think (but am not sure) that was the only one built... As the Alvis and MF factories were quite close together I guess it would be quite a natural thing for them to co-operate in the event anybody ever ordered one ! One interesting thing I didnt know about the streaker until I was nosing around it is that it has two bench style troop seats which fold out of, and into the load bay..
  20. From the J60 EMERS: "mk100 engines converted to mk101 at overhaul by incorporation of non-linered cylinder blocks are to have original engine number suffixed by /1." I believe the mk100 cylinder head can be converted to mk101 with a moderate amount of machining..
  21. Welcome Alan That makes 4 of us in hudds area now..! Timbo
  22. LOL Joris made me chuckle Another less well known MV forum is running a similar poll at the moment asking people why they dont bother to log on...185 views but only 9 votes !! Go figure...
  23. Lovely vehicle. I see you got that broken window fixed
  24. It is both useful and very dangerous and not to be underestimated. I find a squirt of it into the carb of my petrol strimmer works a treat when starting for the first time after a long period..!
  25. I agree with Niels looks stunning in sand well done..! Amazing how good the running gear looks just goes to show was built to last...
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