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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Hi Bob Can you pm me if this is still available? I need to move a Spartan from Dunchurch to Huddersfield. Not sure if this is too much of a detour but let me know.. Thanks Tim
  2. Having noticed the silly prices these were going for on ebay, I thought I'd give Richard Banister a call, and he has just had a job lot delivered so I bought a boxful for about a quarter of the ebay price..the cone shaped ones for CVRT's but also have other applications I believe. I've said it before and I'll say it again - cant praise Richard highly enough - good value, fast and efficient and knows what he is talking about..highly recommended..!
  3. I know my dry stone walls y'see..! I presume that is the famous Holmfirth T34 then ? Either way good luck with it and hope to see it at W&P soon!
  4. When refitting dont forget the engine and gearbox have to be properly aligned, an easy but important job... Vince is your 40 mins from start to finish ie including removal of all decks etc..? If so i am very impressed! Cheers Timbo
  5. Mate that doesnt look like Surrey in the background - is it Yorkshire ?
  6. Hi Phil Yes, he is a good worker (in between tea breaks!).. I hope you havent distracted him too much from painting my Spartan..! Cheers Timbo
  7. Save it mate..! Like a lot of things which were once so common they were considered worthless, many hundreds of these have been scrapped. These will be rare eand expensive one day, esp the narrow track version (at least that's what I keep telling the missus!)..
  8. Same problem = same solution ie sponge mic cover..? Alien old chap - i always enjoy your posts but goodness knows what Stefan from Germany made of it..!
  9. I suspect this is not that uncommon in certain parts of the world. A mate who has been working in Africa recently has told me of similar finds. He also related the tale of taking a scorpion 90 for a spin having been assured it was clear. On his return he heard clunking noises from the rear and it turned out to be a few 90mm hesh rounds which had been bouncing around the turret merrily on his trip...!
  10. Love the pics. Did the salamanders have the 76mm's removed or does the drainpipe fit over the top? If you painted one up like that and took it to a show how many people would tell you its not authentic!!! Thanks Tim
  11. Unbelievably tragic, every parents worst nightmare come true. God bless them... Let's hope the injured make a good recovery too.
  12. Vince Me and Nige have agreed to do our Scimitars in Granby trim. Watch out for then in about 2018..! Cheers Tim
  13. Fab research indeed..! Don't suppose you have any other VRN's confirmed as being there do you..? Mine is 04FD34 so tantalisingly close to the one mentioned above.... Leave the Sabre alone mate, I have a theory that in time there will be fewer Sabres around than there are Scorps..! Cheers Tim
  14. Alan And here's a little something just to be going on with....
  15. Would echo the comment about the user manual and the illustrated parts catalogue, both are invaluable and readily available, published by brooklands i think? Also if you are not mechanically minded the haynes manual and the LR series restoration book, also by haynes can be useful...
  16. Found this tragic story - will certainly make me think twice next time I'm cleaning out a fuel tank.. http://emj.bmj.com/content/20/5/494.full
  17. Alan A great choice, I own a number of vehicles but the lightweight is one of my favourites... Apart from what you have already noted you also need to think about what you want to do with it ie do you want it to be as original as possible, or are you happy with a few sensible mods. For example if you want to fit the proper tyres (6.5 x16 goodyear xtra grips) these are hard to find and expensive. Also are the sidewalls cracked at all? Also what mods has it had, is the interior original is the data plate in place? The original miltary style headlamps can be hard to find if theyve been replaced. Most spares are cheap and readily available but you might use a lot of them! What is the seller like - ie are they an enthusiast as this gives an indication as to how good their maintenance might be (but not always!). How much use does the vehicle get? The more the better in my experience, it is amazing how many oil leaks, squeaks and rattles resolve themselves with use. What is the wiring like? Do all the electrics work as they should? Does it have the original split tailgate? And the original flat ended hubs? If you can get a test drive does it pull to one side on the brakes? This could indicate a brake problem but might also indicate a hub seal leaking on the shoes (is there any oil on the rim if so) easily fixed usually but good bargaining point. The half ton military landrover by Mark Cook is an essential book to have before you buy. Although it doesnt give buying advice it will show you what they should look like and help you understand the different models. As with all landies the 4wd gubbins can seize if not used for long periods so make sure you can push down the yellow lever, and pull the red lever back and forth without problems. Although they are getting a little rarer, they still come up regularly so dont feel you have to go for the first you see. Basically though just enjoy it, they are fab little vehicles, the best landy by far (in my humble opinion)... Cheers Timbo
  18. Phil Watch this space..! It has already been discussed over several pints of beer so is bound to happen. I was thinking if we did it on the thursday or friday it could drum up a bit of publicity as well... Cheers Timbo
  19. Good luck with that mate - if you get chance can you get some pics of the batus cvrts as well!! Cheers Timbo
  20. Robin Do you have any Belgian ones? I have a Belgian Scimitar waiting patiently in the queue. Not found many pictures of the Belgian ones though. Mine is 65241 in un white - I had thought ex Bosnia but understand they were also used in Somalia... Timbo
  21. Very good Robin...! Trust you are now feeling pleased with yourself... Whers is 02FD46 now i wonder? Not on Chris' list of Sabres...
  22. Looking forward to it already...did our first bit of planning this weekend...who arrives when with what...can't wait. Particularly enjoyed the armour convoy on saturday night last year!
  23. Mark As you have already said, i think the yellow flames are a sign of unburnt fuel. I had a similar problem on my Spartan, and have changed the filter and put fresh fuel in but as it is being painted at the moment dont know whether this has worked. Once you have the decks off the removal of the drivers seat and firewall is actually a pretty quick job, although it will be fiddly if the captive nuts in the firewall have gone walkabout! Also as a last resort don't assume that just because the coil is new that means it is working correctly.. Cheers Timbo
  24. Great pics esp the reserve collection. Also makes me a little sad that this is nearly all that remains of my home town's once burgeoning motor industry. Nearly all the big factories are gone now, with the old hillman 'shadow factory' at Ryton being demolished a couple of years back, the original Alvis site is now the Alvis Retail Park (which almost seems to add insult to injury!)..and even the Peugeot plant at Binley is now rapidly turning into a housing estate.. Ho hum at least the town centre has a good selection of pound shops...!
  25. Mark Plugs are RSN12Y's - dont use anything else, they may not work properly. Can't remember the gaps but Im sure there was a thread on this not so long ago... Cheers Timbo
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