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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Great story. Petexrh used to drive my Saladin so I have promised to show him round the old girl in the New Year. Funny ive owned cvrt's for a few years now and Saladin for less than 6 months but people are much more interested in it - maybe the history is just too recent and people will get more interested as the years go by! Jim we should meet up and compare projects at some point. Mine doesnt need much doing but I susoect yours will be finished first! Cheers Tim
  2. Clive I seem to remember seeing blue crosses sprayed on a number of cast and disposed (rather than destroyed) vehicles but hadnt realised the significance.. Tim
  3. Mate i have a few user manuals and pamhplets that show good detail of the rarden, no measurements but a couple of them are shown with the barrel trough and other bits so you could probably do a pretty close estimate...you will have to wait a few days if thats ok though...
  4. Stunning mate really nice but you need a cvrt to sit on t'back not a landy...!
  5. For me next year plans are as follows: Elvington Yorkshire wartime experience (hopefully not as muddy next year) War and peace Tanks trucks and firepower I take the point about paying for attending shows, it annoys me too when i have put so much money into my vehicles, transport costs, petrol etc, but I do have a certain amount of sympathy for show organisers when large numbers of people book in then dont turn up. I think there is an argument that a nominal fee encourages people to turn up, but i accept this my not be a popular view! I do think though that organisers should work harder to give exhibitors a little more in retur for their money, even if its only a plaque, good quality souvenir programme or similar. Like it or not War & Peace is different and i suspect it still will be in its new location. Pays yer money and takes yer choice.
  6. Ill be there...can't wait in fact. Yes I will probably have the odd bitch about toilets, cost, distance etc etc but I just know that not being there is not an option. I do wonder if the racecourse know what they have let themselves in for though! Now then wheres that map I need to get down there this weekend to get my pitch staked out...
  7. Robin A good story and the models still look good. I often think of plastic models as being quite transitory so it is odd to think of the original vehicles being no more while the models soldier on. Cheers Tim
  8. Wow they really are a mess, who would be daft enough to buy something in that sort of condition (ahem...i have an ex belgian vehicle which is not a lot better :blush:)... Im not sure there would even be much there for spares.... I note the Samaritan looks to have the early style idlers so an indication that it has indeed been there for a long time.
  9. Yep keep me posted mate deffo up for that... Cheers Tim
  10. timbo


    Our office (centre of York opposite the 'famous' Kings Arms) closed due to flooding for 2nd time in 2 months... Never seen it as bad or as frequent as it has been this year..
  11. I have a quantity of very reasonably priced a2 recon engines for sale if anybody decides to go for one of these vehicles. If i didnt have such a lot on already it would be the samaritan for me - a rare beast in private hands, and i always fancied havig a bog seat on the back door!!
  12. Gisburn looks quite good Mally although not that extensive - for a REALLY good day out hit Lee quarry in Lancs - it has had major money spent and is truly awesome - also only a couple of miles away across the moors is cragg quarry, with a really good track in between festooned with jumps (watch out for pinch punctures though!). Cheers Timbo
  13. Mally Slow and steady mate slow and steady, just like my mountain biking. Not been out for a few weeks but have managed to snatch a day off next friday so me and a mate heading to Gisburn which i understand is berm heaven! Also still very keen to check out some of those Welsh trails at some point so will have to give you a shout..! Cheers Tim
  14. Ah Mally glad to see you made it along here. Nice to have someone else along with taste in vehicles (just kidding before you all start!). How's the biking going - my Boardman is in danger of going rusty so i may need to get one of tham thar 29ers..!
  15. That BB Chieftain looks immaculate!
  16. Mark at Vintage MV manuals has copies of operating and servicing info for the b series (just ordered some). If you dont see what you want on the website email him as he sometimes has other docs not listed. Cheers Tim
  17. Robin Ask and ye shall receive! Still looking for an air intake cover and gearbox louvre cover (new please!) to finish off my Spartan if anybody has them.. Cheers Tim
  18. timbo


    Clive Now I know where you get your 'encyclopedic' knowledge from. I like the description 'constantly sick' - I know a couple of people who could fall into that category! Tim
  19. Robin I dont think there is any definitive answer to this one. I think it is generally good practice to try to get the most recent ones you can - the year of manufacture will be stamped in a circle as two numbers ie 85 or 98, meaning 1985 or 1998. I have had very poor condition roadwheels, lots of cuts, stones etc, which have lasted very well, and also very new looking wheels still with the mould marks on which have kind of rolled off the rim. I have heard that they dont like being stored for long periods, this is why i got rid of some of my spares a while back. Having said that, i might get a few more now that there are a few around. Chris is still working on the project to get roadwheels remanufactured but i guess there isnt much call for it at this stage - i have started hanging on to my old ones though, just in case!!!! Cheers Tim
  20. Robin What follows is a non technical response based on my own experiences, I am sure someone more knowledgeable will be along shortly to give a more thorough response. Engines reconditioned to a1 standard will have been fully remanufactured. This process was once described to me and it is very thorough indeed if carried out properly. Effectively you are pretty much getting a new engine since all of the moving and wearing parts should have been replaced. The engine will also have been preserved which means it should NOT be turned until you have....erm...I cant remember! But Im sue someoone will come along to tell us how to commission a preserved engine.. A2 engines have basically only had changed what is needed. It is very much a refurb, rather than reconditioning. But the engine will have been thoroughly tested and certificated. In some cases an a2 engine will not be producing its full power output, and there should be documentation with it to say that this is the case. As an example the a2 I fitted to my Spartan recently was tested at 175bhp, so about 15bhp down on what it should produce. Having said that it still goes like stink compared to what it did do. The only problems I have seen people come across with a2's relate to coils not working properly and carb diaphragms perishing both due to storage which can affect both a1 and a2 engines. Of course valves can get stuck in both cases so it is good practice to remove the covers and ensure the valve stems are moving prior to turning over. So basically you pays yer money and takes yer pick...a1's are likely to be better but will be more expensive (typically 2-3 times), a2's will be cheaper but should be fine for most peoples uses and certainly better than straight take outs. Oh and as you know of course the cleanest and shiniest isnt always the best! Cheers Tim
  21. Sadly this is not that uncommon - see Chris (sirhcs) youtube clip from a few years back of scrapyard cvrts. There are a reasonable number of them on the private market in good nick so unless somebody wants a cheap project I suspect this vehicle is doomed! But would be very happy if somebody wants to prove me wrong. Oh, and I have plenty of J60's at very reasonable prices if you need one! Cheers Tim
  22. I know it can be hard when you've just spent months restoring your pride and joy, but I try not to worry too much about the odd blemish, you only have to drive the thing once round a field and your immacualte engine bay will be immaculate no more...and of course it is more authentic. Light stone/ sand is the way to go if you want low maintenance, it seems to hide the dirt a lot better than green!
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