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Everything posted by timbo

  1. Shot dead in the Divis flats 4th March 1973, aged 19, after being accidently left behind when his patrol withdrew.
  2. Sorry Alan dont recognise any of those numbers, although I have 07FF87 so not far away.. Tim
  3. I dont think Nicks is Chally one (although Im not an expert on these so could be wrong). I had heard that Nicks was MBT80 or similar but with a Chally turret popped on top...
  4. Welcome Phil Building up a bit of a posse now from Gods Own Town in Gods Own County... Cheers Tim
  5. Jim You're not wrong there. I recently purchased two NOS wheels and tyres as spares, but the delivery guy dropped them at the bottom of the drive so i had to roll them, solo, uphill, in the rain, through mud for about 100 yards. It was something of an endurance challenge and I hope I never have to use them..! Cheers Tim
  6. Jim Have you spoken to Jon P (Fourfox). I think he had the one for my Saladin manufactured and I am pretty sure he had drawings. Tim
  7. Good work Paul, did you use an engine crane to drop it in? Im now ready to remove the engine from my Sabre, but have had to put an extension onto the crane (about 16 inches), to make sure I can get central on the engine. Im also not planning to remove the bulkhead if I can avoid it (it has a LOT of stuff bolted to it). Pretty sure it will work, but just have a slight worry it might now overbalance - time will tell, just going to take it steady and see what happens!
  8. Looks like a familiar story. The problem is that the m/c's sit in a compartment under the drivers floor, which will collect and hold water if left for any period of time, and knacker the cylinders. When I bought my sabre the main brakes were well and truly sh**gged, predominantly due to severe corrosion of the mc. It was very much sold as seen so I had no problem with that but I do know the chap who owned it previously regularly used it on the road with kids in which is a bit scary!
  9. My final word on the subject...! You can see the second, smaller connection in this shot.
  10. Pics not the best but this is MF silver mist from an agri supplier. Is a pretty good match when you see it for real...
  11. Guy The end of the J60 starter motor has two connections. The larger of these is the negative connection. The smaller has a single wire attached, held on with a nut, for the thermal cut out. Because of its location and small size it can be quite difficult to tighten properly, and can therefore have a tendency to work loose, which if it does will prevent the starter motor operating. As Chris can testify it is particularly annoying if this happens after youve put everything back together, as the only way to reach it is to remove the decks, drivers seat, and drivers firewall. I assume this is what Chris and Mark are referring to. Cheers Timbo
  12. Paul Impressive ingenuity there - a real pleasure to meet you the other day and put a face to a name. I am gradually working my way through my sabre and have been keeping pics which i will post one day! Not going at the same pace or doing the same amount of work as you but following your blog has inspired me to paint a few things while i am changing my J60. Look forward to seeing the engine and box installed.. Cheers Tim
  13. Mark Richard Banister has master cylinder rebuild kits for £15. Dont forget to use hydraulic oil not brake fluid! Cheers Tim
  14. Berlin ain't what it used to be! Last time I was there the Brandenburg Gate looked brand new. Could basically have been stood at the end of a Cheshire footballers drive...! Still it's their history to wipe out...
  15. Robin Your point about size is well made, they are a lot bigger than first generation cvrt's, and that will prove a challenge if driving on the smaller roads here in the uk. The thing I like about CVRT's is that they can be driven on the road with relative ease (although of course you still have to very much stay on your toes)... Tim
  16. Stormers are a nice vehicle and very much smoother and more poky to drive than the petrol cvrts (i think Robin will confirm this too). It is a shame that Withams is no longer releasing them with the Starstreak turrets, which have to be destroyed on mod orders. The stormers in this sale will certainly be a far easier restoration than any of the petrol variants, although parts may not be so readily available.
  17. Its a bit like d day invasion stripes on aircraft. Most of these were roughly applied in the field, but if you were spending millions restoring a spitfire would you dare to paint them by hand? What pricle authenticity eh?
  18. Briiliant thank you! I will pass the info on.. Tim
  19. Not trying to dredge up old disagreements! Just thought it was a good pic with a bit more to add to the story.. Only 4 minor injuries so somebody was definitely smiling on them that day! Of the 2 AVRE's at the centre of the blast there was apparently not much left. If I didnt have enough to keep me going, I would definitely be going for the one at Withams.
  20. Depression rangefinder perhaps? Or the same sight used in two instrument? This one looks very similar.. http://ehive.com/account/3267/object/3132/Depression_Rangefinder#!prettyPhoto
  21. Yep thats the one, although i thought we had a thread on here. Talking to my mate at work today and mentioned the cent in the latest withams tender. He then said he was stood close by the picture taker at the time this pic was taken, circa 500m away! His view was they were brewing up on the decks but I know that is not universally accepted. He also said they watched the fire start off very small, and thought nothing of it but as the minutes went by thought 'this could get interesting', then people nearby started running. SSM went in and pulled co2's and made sure everyone was clearing (brave man!) then BOOM! Loudest bang he'd ever heard, and this from a cheiftain and chally man...! Small world, top chap though helps me with my cvrts from time to time... Cheers Tim
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