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David Ives

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Everything posted by David Ives

  1. it could be intersting seeing the tyres shred
  2. i had only met the man once and that was at the december chatham a gent even thougth ill rip
  3. sorry i got it wrong it was jules i can just remember the reme badge on the front great photo i know got revenge for all the tractor engines drowning out the talking at laughton me and dave simmonds were in the middle with the military landrovers
  4. done if anyone else wants food then can they copy list and add their names
  5. nah we always had another unit further down the road to trap those that went by without stopping and called them by radio (otherwise known as the stop squad)guns and stingers ready
  6. not sure if its you but im sure that no nuts took on the tractor pulling at laughton last year and was still going up the gears at the end of the course
  7. well in wiltshire why not list yourself for the plain invasion event as not to far away welcome to the mad house
  8. by the look of the outfits its the 118 118 team having a practice at catching speeders for the bunker bash:cool2::cool2::rofl:
  9. i have been informed there will be a one day event on the 11th april at martells department store in east grinsted refreshments supplied :coffee:and hard standing for vehicles:yay: hopefully mark is hoping to get 30+ vehicles for this event if intersted contact mark on 07967913594 lets make this a good starting one
  10. after reading this for the first time properly i am so impressed with the standerd of work that has been done when it is finished you will be the proudest people around like when the grandparents hold their grandchildren for the first time i wish i could do work like that but i was never any good at mechanical things and am just starting to learn now keep up the great work and comentry as will be following this with interst from now on
  11. ok so far myself cook x1 plains team x6+ cubes x 4 chris x13 phil x1 neil x 2 paul x1 steve p x 1 paul a x 2 mark x 1 rambo x 8 ashley x 1 mark X 1 fc101daz x 4 total 46
  12. jack will have a chat at either the plains tour or the bunker bash about catering as would like to get a second no 4 kitchen organised as well so can feed everyone
  13. have a great day:yay: happy birthday hopefully you will get a battery for your birthday:rofl:
  14. well i get my present in a couple of weeks as its a 12 x 12 tent for the cookhouse otherwise it was socks and smellies as usual
  15. plains trip meeting up with rtv at zulu crossing the old passing the new and southwick parks open day with the officer saying i didnt realise we were now history
  16. ok so far myself cook x1 plains team x6+ cubes x 4 chris x13 phil x1 paul x1 neil x 3 rambo x 8 total 37 please ammend with name and number
  17. as said i wish everyone a great christmas and a happy new year and will see everyone hopefully next year and mark i hope you have a quiet festive period the same as our forces everywhere
  18. please can you post how many for food over the weekend as i am starting to finalise the menu and would apreaciate numbers as i would need to work out the quantities of food please remember cut off date for vehicles also will be cut off date for food as well mods could you move all plains 2009 details to a new block please and then edit this post thanks dave cook x 1
  19. ok as the list is starting to get full id better start a list for the meals so i can start working out quantities as per army cookbook measurements
  20. nah it gets thrown at the hair and bounces off:rofl::rofl:
  21. ok i know its a bit off topic but here are a couple of clips from youtube to remind us why we are free to do what we do:tup:: and i know one is american http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LakkW9k79b8
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