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Everything posted by andym

  1. Looks like I didn't get the FV430 wheels ... :-( Andy
  2. I've looked at the IET paper and it's not very helpful, mainly because most of it is written in the future tense! Andy
  3. Try typing "tracked vehicle VDU" into eBay and see what happens ... Andy
  4. Thanks Chris - it seemed slightly odd that instead of the obvious LMG spare firing pin there was an SLR one. So would you bother carrying one in an AFV with only the LMG and some SMGs, I wonder? Andy
  5. That's why I'm confused. Look at 21A© in the manual page reproduced in post #6 - there's a firing pin spring for the LMG, but the pin is apparently for an SLR. Andy
  6. A mechanical device like the disk drive won't like spinning up when very cold either, the oil will be too thick. Andy
  7. I take it from the description that the firing pin is for an SLR, not the LMG? Or are they the same thing? Andy
  8. Buy a Toyota Hilux, several thousand Jihadists can't be wrong ... :-) Andy
  9. That was quick - thanks both! Andy
  10. Here's a range of Hollebone adaptors - the middle ones are FV430, can anyone identify the others, out of interest? Andy
  11. Looking at the brochure for the slightly later LXI-3 on the 'net, it seems to have a SCSI controller for external drives and an IDE controller for the internal. That suggests the hard disk is a standard laptop 2.5" IDE in some sort of caddy. Andy
  12. I must admit I can't think why you'd ever want to either. And in the event of such a hypothetical situation developing, would you ever be able to hit the switch in time? Andy
  13. If you mean Hollebones they're definitely made of steel and only just a one man lift! Andy
  14. Thanks Chris - In that case I'll stick to Plan A and spend the weekend working on the Abbot instead! Andy
  15. What is Stoneleigh like in terms of availability of AFV spares rather than Jeeps or Land Rovers etc.? Andy
  16. Welcome back - nice looking toys! :-) Andy
  17. Should be pretty easy to differentiate between Triumph or Mazda - are the threads metric or imperial? Andy
  18. I'm happy to attend and possibly help out if I can? Andy
  19. It's worthwhile pointing out that while these devices may defeat the average local yobbo, they're useless against a professional thief stealing to order. GPS jammers were around a tenner last time I looked. Andy
  20. Perhaps someone paid that for it because it had had £30k spent restoring it? Must be the first time someone has ever recouped their restoration costs! :-) Andy
  21. I drove to Salisbury today to pick up some eBay MV bits. All the roads through Stockbridge had puddles six inches deep. And there are still numpties driving in pouring rain with no lights on! :-( Andy
  22. OK, I think I've got it, so I'll answer my own question. Once you get below 92 links, the links are so stretched that they no longer fit the sprockets properly. So to go to 91 links in the absence of replacement track you take out a link and fit the larger pitch sprockets. Simples! :-) Andy
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