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Everything posted by andym

  1. andym

    11 ba 46

    Have a chat with Channel 4 - they got one running in a week! :cool2: Andy
  2. Some sort of pressure sensing device? Andy
  3. No, although there may perhaps have been a couple of converted prototypes. The Mk.2s share the external air filter box of the Mk.1s, the Mk.2/1 has its air filter mounted internally. The Mk.3s (Bulldogs) are converted Mk.2/1s. Andy
  4. andym

    CVR(T) mPODt

    I think they're actually new hulls, just look like Shielders with the Gubbins removed. Andy
  5. Those look like standard 6TNMF batteries, commonly known as "Hawkers". Marcus Glenn and others sell conventional wet lead acids of the same physical size but they aren't as good as the pukka item. Andy
  6. Here's a clever idea, basically a Shielder acting as a pickup truck with interchangeable bodies: http://www.mpodt.com Andy
  7. The Hagglunds aren't technically steered by their tracks, they're steered by articulating the body, which is apparently different! Andy
  8. A halftrack does not need an H licence as it isn't a "track-laying vehicle steered by its tracks". Andy
  9. I was going to ask if they bite ... :-) Andy
  10. What intrigues me is that he was apparently being "instructed". Instructed in what I wonder, as he wasn't actually driving? Andy
  11. I'm also wondering if your Mod 6 has been bodged. Any chance that someone took your breaker and relay out, knackering the DLB in the process? Here's a rather worse for wear DLB showing the starter relay in the lid, this is another Mod 6. It should be a pretty straight forward process to trace the fuel pump wiring through the DLB. Let me know how you get on! Andy
  12. I wonder if you've ended up with some sort of half-way house between the two versions of wiring. The easiest thing to investigate is the fuel pump as that doesn't go through the relay circuit. Provided you've got 24V on 12F from the engine switch and 24V also comes out of 2G, it should find its way via the paralleling link to 23A and the pump should run. Andy
  13. Interesting about the recoil, I've been wondering about my Abbot. There's no projectile to push against, but you've still got what amounts to a small rocket motor. What sort of charge were you using? Andy
  14. I've just taken a look at an old DLB I've got in the garage. That's Mod 6 and it has the breaker fitted! Andy
  15. Ah - that may explain what's going on. I've never seen a DLB without the breaker, yours must be ancient! Here's the circuit diagram for the old version: How many wires does your FIP solenoid have - two or three? Andy
  16. As far as I'm aware all the DLBs that have the 25A starter circuit breaker fitted are interchangeable. The fitment of that breaker required modifying the FIP solenoid wiring on the power pack. As I suggested, have you checked that the DLB1 to DLB2 paralleling link is intact? All the circuits you mention pass through it - see attached. Andy
  17. Must be one hell of a steam cleaner! :-) Andy
  18. I think we're saying the same thing! The difference is that the scavenge blower isn't there to increase the intake charge in the manner of a "conventional" supercharger or turbocharger. Andy
  19. The correct term here is "scavenge blower". They're used in other two-stroke diesels such as the Rolls-Royce K60 in the FV430 series of vehicles. As has been said, their purpose is to purge exhaust gases, not raise inlet pressure. Andy
  20. As the holder of a MOD small arms range supervisor's ticket many moons ago, I'm not sure I'm entirely happy about the safety aspects of those demos. I know it isn't live ammunition, but even so ... :blush: Andy
  21. Anything other than the full set has to be asking for trouble, especially if your bump stops aren't in good nick. Andy
  22. Oddly enough they only seem to convert the really nice, freshly ABRO'd 432s into Stugs! And if I were crushing cars (which I don't) I wouldn't use a 432 with decent track pads either .... :-) Andy
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